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I wake up with a splitting headache. It’s like someone is hitting my head with an oversized hammer. It’s in the morning I guess with the amount of light in the room. My eyes hurt so bad. Memories of yesterday could my head in a blur. I know I must have said some crazy stuff yesterday. I search the room for Monty but he isn’t there. Just as am about to get out of bed he walks in with a tray

“Good morning dear.” He says with a smile. He called me dear

“Good morning.” I mumble.
He’s acting as if I didn’t say anything yesterday.

“I must have spilled everything yesterday right? then why aren’t you handing me over to the police?” I ask him.
He comes to sit next to me on the bed.

“I don’t judge you for whatever happened. I have my fair share of complicated issues.” He says sweetly. “now let that go and have some of this hangover soup I made you.” He smiles

“it looks bad.” I tell him giving him a look
“just take it.” He huffs.

Surprisingly the soup doesn’t taste as bad as it looks
“not bad.” I say with a mouthful. 

“What’s the time.” I ask?

“10:35.” He answers.

“whoa, I’ve slept a lot.” I say.

He laughs at me. when am done with the soup Monty forces me to take a shower which I did not want since am feeling way too lazy. He practically carried me to the bathroom while I grumbled the whole time.

Today I choose to wear black jeggings and one of Monty’s oversized shirts. I walk over to the living room where the guys are. Xander engulfs me in a hug once I walk in.

“I missed you.” He says

“Aww I missed you more.” I tell him and he smiles

“hey guys.” I say to the rest of them. I search the room for Monty but he isn’t here. I wonder where he went.

“he’s in the kitchen.” Jake says as if reading my thoughts. I blush because it was so obvious that I was looking for him.

“was that true?” Rex asks and I know what he means even though he doesn’t say it directly.
“if it involves me killing my uncle then yah.” I reply.

“wow.” He says. I make my way to the kitchen to check on Monty. He doesn’t even notice as I enter

“watchu doing?” I ask. He seems startled by my presence

“sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” I say
“it’s ok.” He says “am making us something to eat.” He explains

“great, I really need something to wash down your horrible soup.” I say sarcastically.

“go to hell. My cooking isn’t bad.” He says “can you cook?” he asks me

“unfortunately no.” I say with a deep blush.

“ok then, I’ll teach you.”
He says
Cooking with Monty turns out to be fun. I get to know him a bit more. Like his favorite meal and even his favorite spoon to use in the kitchen. Funny right. I also learn that he can sing, I pester him to sing for me but he refuses. He does most of the cooking though and am there just to taste the food. I get to know that he is allergic to cucumbers and pickles. For once my life feels normal.

“I’ll have to go back to Nottingham.” I say. Monty doesn’t reply for a moment.

“You can’t go back now it’s too risky.” He finally answers

“But Darian is…” I trail off. I know if I go back there I may just go to jail but what more can I do.

“we could make plans for Darian to come stay with us.” He tells me.
“Ooh no.” I say loudly. “I owe you so much already, I’ve been a burden to you guys for quite sometime and I don’t wanna add to that.” I explain

“but you know that if you go back then it’s as good as surrendering yourself to the police.” He says and I know he’s right.

“I can’t live my whole life like this just depending on you.” I say with emphasis “I also have a life to live. What about my school? I just need to go. Darian needs me.” I mutter the last part because I know am useless when Darian needs me the most.

“but he’s going to lose you if you go back now.” he says softly and that hits me hard cause it’s true. I sigh and cover my face with my hands. What now? so this is the end huh. “come on let’s eat.” Monty tells me with a smile.

I spend the rest of my day on my phone. I had to create new social media accounts with a fake name. Monty keeps getting phone calls from whoever that is. I go to bed with that

conversation I had with Monty still circulating in my mind. He is right but I can’t live my whole life in a gang house. I can’t keep depending on him financially. I just need to go back. I could get a plastic surgery and go back as Darian’s aunt from Spain then I wouldn’t go to jail right. I drift off to sleep.
At least at the end of all this I get to sleep next to a cute guy right. Am a total jerk.
I wake up a bit earlier than usual. I check the time and gosh it’s 3: 49 am. I don’t feel sleepy anymore. So I just stare at the ceiling. Monty wakes up a bit after me but I pretend to sleep. He gets off the bed to get changed for workouts I guess.

“Going for workouts.” I ask once am sure he’s back in the room.
He seems startled that am awake.
“yah.” He answers with a smirk.
“am coming too.” I say getting out of bed.

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