Home but not home

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I make my way upstairs, I go into the room which was once occupied by mum and I can’t even carry my feet inside. Mum was Spanish, I remember how she would sing Spanish lullabies for me and Darian.

Though I can’t remember any word from those songs of hers. It was really nice though. I still feel her presence inside so I proceed to the room which used to be mine, it feels so empty and cold.
I sit on the bed and I don’t have any blankets with me so I just lie down facing the ceiling with a million thoughts in my head.

I decide to listen to music so I play EMPTY by Juice WRLD, I sing along to the whole song cause this song actually matches my situation right now. I feel so empty right now it’s as if my soul has been sucked into a black hole.

Argh low battery, thank God I brought my charger. I plug my phone in then I fall asleep with tears in my eyes. I’ve been crying a lot lately.

Am woken up by some voices, at first I think am dreaming but then I realize that some people are talking downstairs. That’s when I come back to reality, I quickly unplug my phone. I know this house like the back of my hand so it shouldn’t be hard to hide.
I get out of my room and close the door quietly, there is a small space down the hallway I can hide there. It’s so unnoticeable, I wonder what they put it there for.
Me and Darian would hide there all the time if we wanted to mess around with mum. And then she would shout at me and Darian when she found us but we just giggle. Mum spoke Spanish when she was angry so even though she shouted we didn’t understand a thing. She tried to teach me but I was so bad at it so she stopped saying she was just wasting her time on me which was true. Darian is a bit better with Spanish than me.

sometimes he would talk to mum in Spanish if he didn’t want me to know what they were talking about but I still got a few parts.

“The house has four bedrooms as I already said” I hear a man say, I can tell that the people are coming upstairs by the loudness of the voices.

“The house is really nice but I don’t like the color, it’s just too plain” a feminine voice says

“you can get it changed to the color you like” the man says enthusiastically

“Hmm our house isn’t plain young lady” I say these words to myself.

I  have always liked how our house was painted, it was done in white and some shades of blue except for my room which had a bit of pink.
Mum insisted on doing it in pink all because am a girl but I hated it. I remember how we argued for a whole week about the color but in the end I gave up and I started liking it though pink isn’t my color. I prefer black, grey and navy blue which is really odd for a girl.

Mum used to laugh at my choice of colors, she wanted me to be more colorful.

But life is full of colors even black and white. Am so lost in my thought that I don’t even realize that those people have gone back downstairs.

“So when can I move in?” that woman asks

“Possibly on Friday this week but you have to finish the payment first” the man answers.

After a while I hear the front door open so they are gone. People are moving into the house on Friday and today is Wednesday so I only have one day to stay here. Am here trying to find dad and I don’t even have a plan on how am going to find him.
Mum once said that he travels a lot and there might be a chance that he is not in London when I need him the most.
My stomach rumbles announcing about my hunger which I’ve been trying to ignore for a long time. I have to go buy some food.

I don’t have the necessary stuff to take a shower so I just splash some water on my face. I change into some black skinny jeans, a white tank top and the same sneakers I wore before. I have to find a new number and call Darian; he must be freaking out right now.

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