Finding dad

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I see him and he also sees me. with those hazel eyes I know it’s him but the crowd around us will make it difficult for me to talk to him.

He starts walking in the opposite direction away from the crowd. If I don’t move fast am going to lose him. I quicken my steps but he is faster. Am now behind him but he keeps walking faster.

“Wait up!” I scream but he walks even faster. Suddenly he starts running. He knows that I want to talk to him and he is running away but I really need him.

“dad!” I scream but he continues to run as if he doesn’t hear me.
“dad stop!” I scream even louder than before. Am beginning to lose him. He has now gone further I don’t think I can catch up on him. I crumble down to the follow. I’ve failed. I’ve failed Darian.

“dad, dad ,dad.” I sob over and over again

“Cassie, Cassie wake up.” I hear a voice in the distance.
I realize that it’s Monty. So it was just a dream. He looks so worried.

“are you okay?” he asks.

“yah.” I murmur.

“Do you wanna talk about it?” he asks

“I need to find dad soon.” I say avoiding his question. “but I don’t know how to find him.” I say covering my face with my hands.

“we will sort it out in the morning.” He says

“what’s the time?” I ask.
He roams around for his phone.

“3:48am.” He answers. “Don’t worry I will have Rex look up your dad.” He says soothingly

“can’t he do it now?” I ask helplessly

“he isn’t here yet but am sure he will arrive by 6 o’clock.” He assures me

“ooh, I thought he sleeps here.” I say absently. Monty laughs
“only Jake and Sage sleep here. The rest go to their homes.” He explains. “now please go back to sleep.” He says

“I don’t wanna sleep anymore.” I say softly

“okay then come for training with me.” he says

“am lazy but fine.” I huff. I change into shorts and a sports bra.

When I come out of the bathroom Monty is sitting on the bed already dressed. He is wearing sweatpants and a vest. Gosh those muscles.

“am ready.” I announce. He looks at me for a while not saying anything.

“uhm let’s go.” he finally says.

He takes me to the gym and I can’t believe that I haven’t been in this part of the house. It’s almost a week since I’ve been here. Wow their gym looks so cool, I hate working out but I could really rock this place.

“Before we start just know that I hate working out.” I say.

“will see.” He laughs

By the end of all the workouts am sweating like a pig but Monty looks just fine as if he wasn’t doing anything at all. This dummy actually made me do push-ups.

I only reached 10. But it was fun watching him workout with that body of his. He sure looks like a Greek god. He did 100 push-ups and I just couldn’t stop drooling over him. I take a shower and go down for breakfast. The guys are already there. I run over to Rex once I see him.

“I’ve never been so happy to see you in my life.” I say while giving him a hug “I missed you.” I add

“wow I didn’t expect all this but I missed you too.” he says

“I need your help.” I say in a hurry..

“I figured that out, anything for my lady.” He says with a fake bow

“ ok the thing is..” I start speaking but am cut off

“Ey you should eat first.” Monty says

“am not hungry.” I say

“ooh come on do you really wanna argue about eating.” He goes on

“Monty, this is important than eating don’t you get it.” I shout getting angry. He doesn’t know how much this would change my life.

“fine,” he huffs “Rex I need you to look up a certain person. I need you to gather as much information as you can. I don’t care if you are going invade his personal space but just find information.” Monty says in his authoritative voice

“what’s his name again?” Monty asks looking at me.
“Marcus Martinez.” I breath out the name softly.

“your dad is my favorite writer.” Bones suddenly speaks. I don’t remember the last time I heard his voice.

“whoa your dad is a writer?” Jake asks

“how would you know when you don’t even read?” Sage says rolling her eyes.

Monty comes to sit next to me with a plate of pancakes, they look delicious. Rex has already started his work. Monty then hands me a fork.

“don’t argue, I know you are hungry.” He says sweetly
“I wasn’t gonna argue. Thanks anyway.” I say receiving the fork.

“Marcus Martinez.” I hear Rex mutter
“found anything.” I ask eagerly.
“not yet.” He answers. Am getting so restless.

“calm down we are going to find him.” Monty assures me
Rex has been typing on his laptop for almost ten minutes now. am growing so impatient.

“okay I’ve got good news and bad news.” Rex says.

“am listening.” I say.
“uhm your dad is having a press conference today at 11am on his latest book, The Way to Prosperity.” Rex says “now the bad news is that you can’t go there without invites but I can cover that up I just need more time.” He says.

“do whatever you have to do I just need to talk to him please.” I say

“give me ten more minutes.” He says.

I walk over to the fridge and bring out the ice cream tub. I need a distraction. I got my fingers crossed for this.

“yeah. I got it.” Rex screams “so your dad scheduled a meeting at 9am with his editors before the press conference. We just need a way to get you to his office instead of the editors but I don’t know how.” Rex finishes

“let’s kidnap the editors.” Bones speaks up “and then you should dress professionally so you can go in his office pretending to be an editor.” He says with a grin.

“that’s a good plan. This is 7:30 so if we act now we can make it. Bones and Jake you are going to kidnap the editors. Rex make sure you identify the editors fast before they reach the building. Sage you are coming with me and Cassie.” Monty commands.

Am so thrilled right now so am actually going to meet my dad after 16 whole years.

“you girls go get ready.” Monty says “we will enter the building once we are sure that Bones has the editors and when you are done talking to your dad, the editors will be set free.” He finishes.

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