Chapter 22

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I haven't moved from spot on Nates bed I was to scared if I went outside the room I would have to face my brother or my father and I didn't want to do that. I haven't spoken to anyone all day Nate tried talking to me but I just nodded or shook my head. I was stilling up on his bed lust staring at a blank tv as I heard a knock at the door. I didn't answer thinking the person would go away but the door on move and opened to show my dad and brother looking at me as they walked up to me and took a seat on the bed.

"Hey you okay?" My brother asked as I shook my head.

"Honey were not angry, mad or upset with you we know it was the crown that did it and we didn't know that it had that power" dad said as I felt the tears coming back.

"But I have to live with the fact that I killed her my own flesh and blood I killed dad" I said as he shook his head.

"It was the crown it had dark magic and I have some news you might want to hear" he said as I looked at him.

"Your mums still alive she's in the hospital part of this building but you only touched her hand which only stopped her heart for a little bit before she woke up gasping for air" he said as I shook my head he's lieing.

"It's not true she was lying on the floor in front of me" I replied as he shook his head.

"No you ran out and I got her to the doctor who helped her" he said as he stood up.

"Come on I'll prove it to you" he said as I grabbed his hand and we all walked to where mum was suppose to be. Once we got there he opened the door and we walked in to see all the empty beds before there was a bed with a person on it and my heart started racing as we got closer and closer before my brother moved the Curtin and there was mum smiling at me and I ran and gave her a hug as the tears fell.

"I thought you died" I said as she hugged me tight.

"You can't lose me that easily" she said as I laughed.

"I love you mum" I said.

"I love you too" she said as I looked at dad and my brother who joined in on the hug and I smiled.


We had to let mum sleep so I ran to Nate as I saw him playing soccer with other wolfs as I ran and I saw him look at me and smile as I jumped into his arms and he held me up and stumbled back a bit.

"Woh hello princess" he said as I pulled back and looked at him.

"My mums alive she's not dead she's alive Nate" I said as he smiled and pecked my head.

"that's great I'm glad your happy" he said as I smiled.

"Whatcha playing?" I asked looking at the other wolfs playing soccer.

"Soccer why do you want to play?" He asked as I nodded and he put me down.

"Guys we have a new member playing" Nate said as they all nodded and Jack called me on his team as I ran and started to play the game with him. You to transform into your wolf so I did behind a tree and I ran back out before i was running and my wolf was happy that we were running in wolf form. Dan kicked me the ball and I ran past all the other members because I was smaller I had an advantage and I kicked a goal as the team I was in howled.

We played for a while and the team I was in was winning and I was scoring all the winning goals and I even kicked it past Nate who licked my snout. Soon the game was finished and we all shifted back to our human form and I got dressed before I walked back and high five everyone on my team. Once everyone walked away I waked up to Nate who smiled down at me.

"Well done princess who knew you were the sporty one?" He asked as I laughed.

"Not me that's for sure" I replied as we walked into the kitchen and I grabbed a pop tart and walked up to Nate.

"So what are we doing for my birthday?" I asked as he smiled.

"You will see I have it all planed out" he replied as I pouted.

"Please tell me" I said as he shook his head.

"Nope sorry no can do" he said as I sighed.

"You suck" I said as he laughed.

"You love me" he said as I shook my head.

"Nope sorry I don't" I said as he gasped.

That's just mean everyone loved me" he said walking close to me.

"Not me" I said as he got so close that there was hardly any space between us.

"Really are you sure?" He asked as I nodded and ran away as I heard him chasing me.

"Come back here" he yelled after me as I laughed and kept running before I hid behind Jack.

"Help me Nates going to kill me" I said as he laughed.

"We're are you?" He asked as Jack took me to the door and opened it.

"Quickly" he said as I thanked him before I ran and hid behind my dad and brother.

"Help me Nates going to bet me" I replied as they laughed.

"I see your happy now" Dad said as I nodded.

"Yeah I've got mum back in my life and that stupid crown is destroyed" I said as he smiled.

"I like see you happy" dad said as I smiled.

"Im coming for you" Nate said as I looked around for something to hid under as I saw a lam and I took the top off and put it on my head before standing up still.

"Have you guys seen Sophia?" Nates asked as I smiled.

"Nope sorry" dad said.

"I think she went that way" Luke said as I heard footsteps getting closer before I was lifted up and out over a shoulder and I knew but the cent who it was.

"I'm just going to take this lamp if it's okay with you boys?" Nate asked.

"Yeah we don't need it" dad said as I gasped they betrayed me and my hiding. I was soon being carried away to who knows we're because I couldn't see before I was placed down on something comfy as I took off the thing on my head and saw Nate smiling at me.

"Great hiding spot" he said as playfully punched his arm.

"I freaked out and looked for something to hid under" I said as he laughed.

"So a couch or table wasn't a option?" He asked.

"No it wasn't" I said as he laughed. We ended up lying on the bed talking about the world and life. It was a weird topic but we just kept walking about how messed up the world and life are and what would happen if everything was reversed or was different. We talked for so long that we didn't realise it was dark outside before we got called down for dinner which was hambugers. Once we finished we helped wash up and I went to have a shower before I chucked on my pjs and hopped into bed before Nate hopped in and I leaned my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Night princess" he said as I smiled.

"Night Nate" I said as I was happy that my mum was still alive and I still had her in my life. I can't believe she wasn't gone and I got to spend more time with her maybe life was turning out better than I thought.

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