Chapter 8

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(Pic of Meg on the side😊)
"Sophia wake up" I heard someone say as I rolled over and opened my eyes a little to see Nate smiling at me.

"What time is it?" I asked looking outside to see the stars still up in the sky.

"2:15am now come on" he said as I pulled the blanket over my head it was to early to get up.

"Come on I need you to have a shower and get ready" he said as he pulled the blanket off me and I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Were are we going?" I asked looking at him to see he was in jeans and a white top with white converse.

"That my dear is a surprise now if you want to find out I suggest you go hop in the shower" he said as I sighed I didn't like surprises but I hopped off the bed and I walked over to the bathroom and shut the door before I stripped and turned on the shower. I hopped in and let the warm water hit my body as I washed myself and woke myself up a little. Once I finished I hopped out and wrapped the towel around me as I opened the door to see clothes on the bed as I walked over to see a note. I picked it up and red it

Im in the kitchen
come down when your ready 😊

I smiled and got changed into leggings and a big shirt with thanks 4 nothing written on it as I chucked on my high tops and put my hair in a messy bun before I walked down to the kitchen. I swear this was the only place I know how to get to without any help because this place is so huge. Once I reached the kitchen I saw Nate, Zoella, Michael, Dan, Jack and a girl who had bright blue big eyes and dirty blond hair she made me look like shit she was so pretty.

"OH MY GOD YOUR AWAKE ARE YOU EXCITED?" Zoella asked giving me a hug as I smiled and everyone looked at me.

"Yeah I guess I don't know what's happening cause it's a surprise so" I replied as the really pretty girl walked up to me.

"Hi I'm Meg" she said smiling she even had perfect teeth she was like a living barbie.

"Hi I'm Sophia" I replied smiling as Nate came up and looked at us both.

"Meg was my friend since we were in diapers she's like my big sister" he said as she nodded.

"So who goes with who?" Meg asked man I was so confused this was why I hated surprises everyone knew but you.

"Me, Sophia, Dan and Jack in one car and Michael, Zoella and Meg in the other" Nate said as they nodded.

"Awwww I wanted to be with Sophia" Zoella said as I laughed.

"It's a three day drive Zoe I think you will get to sit next to her" Dan said as my eyes went wide I had to wait three bloody days.

"What?" I asked as Dan and Jack looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah it's three days but we stop at motels so it's okay" Jack said as I nodded.

"Are we ready?" Nate asked as we all nodded and we walked out to the front to see two black land rovers as we walked to the one in front and Michael, Zoella and Meg went to the back one. Once we all hopped in I was in the passenger seat and Nate was in the drivers seat while the twins were in the back. Nate started driving and the world began to zoom past as I looked out the window to see the sun slowly coming up.

"Can you give me a hint to surprise?" I asked looking at him hopping he world give me a clue that would spill it without him knowing.

"Nope it will ruin it sorry" he said as I sighed. We drove for ages we went through drive throughs for food and we stopped for fuel and toilet breaks. The twins and I jamed out to some song while Nate just laughed at us cause he had to drive so he couldn't really jam out. I haven't slept ever since we hopped in the car and I could tell it was starting to catch up to me which sucked. We were in the car for the whole day just driving before it was dark and we reached out motel at around 7 so we got dinner before. We hopped out of the cars and the guys got our keys as we all went to our rooms.

"You tired bub?" Nate asked as I yawned and nodded as he came and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my head as I leaned it against his chest and he walked us to the bed and the second my face hit the bed I was out like a rock still cuddling Nate.


The next morning I woke up to see a sleeping Nate next to me as I smiled and kissed his nose.

"Nate wakey wakey" I said poking his cheeks as he opened his eyes to look at me and smile.

"Morning princess" he said bringing me closer to his chest as I laughed.

"Morning Alpha now come on I want to find out what my surprise is" I said as he laughed and kissed my head.

"Okay go have a shower" he said as he let me go and I ran for the bathroom and I took my shower. Once I finished I chucked on a grey top and black jeans with my white high tops and my hair in a ponytail. I walked out to see Nate smiling at me still lying on the bed.

"The bathroom is free" I said as he sat up.

"Im coming" he said as he got up and walked into the bathroom but as he did he pecked my lips and then shut the door as I walked out of the room to see the others.

"Morning guys" I said as they all smiled and said morning.

"So who is with who?" I asked as the girls all smiled and I had a funny feeling.

"Girls in one car and boys in the other" Zoe said as I smiled I was all good with that. We waited before Nate walked out and have me a hug. We told him about the car situation and he wasn't to happy about not being with me but I told him it was okay so hopefully he is fine. I pecked his lips before I hopped in one of the cars and the boys hopped in the other as we drove off to the next stop on our journey.

sorry it's crap but I hopped you liked it and Sophia is going to love the surprise if you think you know what it is comment below and I will tell you if your right or not. Anyway please vote and comment

Peace,✌️ love 💕and happy endings 😊

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