The Alphas Demon Mate

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Hiya guys so I have a new werwolf book out called The Alphas Demon Mate (photo of book cover up the top). You guys can read it if you want and maybe vote and comment on it as well. Also if you want you can make a cover for my new werwolf book. This book is different as it is darker than my other werwolf books and it will have a few dirty scenes in it. I will have a blurb below of the book so you can have a little taste of it and please give it a read. So I hope you enjoy the new adventure and what the new book has in stall for you.

The Alphas Demon Mate:
Gabriella's parents wanted nothing to do with her. Once her mum found out she was pregnant with her she wasn't happy about it. So once she was born her father transformed into his wolf and ran all they way to the city were all different creatures lived. He left her on a sidewalk in the middle of the city and ran off never to be seen of again. It wasn't long before a mafia gang walked down the sidewalk and stopped at the basket on the floor. They opened the top of the basket to revile her sleeping and they all agreed on taking her home. She grew up with the men as her family and learnt their ways of how to survive and live. But one day she does something to help her family. But as she almost gets there she is stopped and taken to the alpha who she soon realised is the Alpha king of the most deadliest pack in the world. But what shocked her was when her wolf and him both said mate at the same time....

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