Chapter 9 • The Attack at Hargreeves Manor

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In the end, (Y/n) ended up agreeing to go with Klaus and Luther back to the mansion to discuss Luther's most recent discovery about Reginald's death. Though, Five wasn't very happy about her leaving.

"I don't understand why you're going with them. Their situation is nothing compared to what we are trying to accomplish." Five groaned, glaring at his two adoptive brothers who were awkwardly standing to the side waiting for (Y/n).

The four of them were standing outside the van now. The cop almost arrested (Y/n) and Klaus if not for the other two coming to the rescue. Luther managed to slightly intimidate the officer with his size but probably the real reason he left them off the hook was most likely because Five's piercing glare made him very uneasy. The cop didn't look like he was doing his job anyway.

She sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "I promise that as soon as Luther's conspiracy is debunked, I'll come straight back here and finish helping you."

Five tapped his foot on the cement, pursing his lips then nodding.

"Fine. But please, just come back as soon as possible."

The girl smiled at him, pecking his cheek for a split second then turned back to walk home with the two men behind them, leaving flustered Five to do the rest of the spying on his own for the day.

"You and Five, huh?" Luther grinned.

Scoffing, (Y/n) smacked his chest.

"Shut it, moon man."

"I saw that kiss cheek. So when do you guys think you'll get to the lip stage?" Klaus teased, poking his sister's face.

She slapped his hand away and her face burned at the action she just did a moment ago. She really didn't know why she did it, but she definitely didn't regret it.


The small television screen was only displayed in a grainy black and white, making it a little difficult to see what was really happening within the video. It stood on the bar of the living room in full view of all the Hargreeves siblings.

Everyone in the room could see as the screen showed their father falling on the bed in some form of pain while their robot mother stood off to the side and watched, oblivious to the whole thing. (Y/n) crossed her arms as her eyes were fixated on the little TV. There was not much to see in the few seconds of video footage that Luther had caused a ruckus about.

"I mean, do you really think Mom would hurt Dad?" Vanya questioned.

"You haven't been home in a long time, Vanya. Maybe you don't know Grace anymore." Luther replied.

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes at the tall man next to her.

"Neither have you, Luther. You've been on the moon for four years, I've been here since, like, forever." She inquired.

"Did you see anything wrong then?"

"No, I didn't. Mom was a bit... out of it but that's how she's always been. Mom didn't do anything to Reginald."

Luther turned to face the girl. "'Reginald'? You're really calling him by his first name, now?"

"Says you. You're calling Mom by her full name, hypocrite." (Y/n) barked back.

W I T C H • Five Hargreeves X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now