Chapter 10 • Man on the Moon

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Seven years ago...

Luther laid shirtless on his bed in the early morning as per usual. Music played from his radio and throughout the room, the sound echoing into his ears then out. His arms were crossed behind his head and he stared into the ceiling.

It took some time for him to actually get himself up and when he did, he pulled on his blue robe and left his bedroom. Just as he exited his room, Luther found himself opening the door to Allison's room that was next to his. He didn't know what he was expecting, the bed was still devoid of sheets, her drawers were no longer filled with her clothes, there was nothing there anymore. Yet he found himself opening the door to her bedroom almost every morning.

Luther let out a sigh as he tied his robe's rope around his waist and walked down the hallway in his slippers. He passed by another bedroom, Klaus'. Just like Allison's, there were no sheets on the bed and everything that Klaus wanted to take with him was removed.

Luther continued down the hall and carefully opened the door to another bedroom. The walls were painted a dark purple, much to the dismay of their adoptive father. The drawers were white, and in the middle of the room was a bed with a sleeping girl in it. Her upper face and head could be seen from the blanket covering most of her body and from afar, someone would think she looked innocent and pure. But upon further inspection as he walked closer to her bed, he could see the dry tear stains that had formed on her cheeks. Luther couldn't help but sigh again, she had been crying again last night. And he knew why.

He tried to talk about it with her before, asking her if she wanted to tell him about anything. Although Luther basically knew what she was crying about, he wanted to know the reason why after all these years, she still hadn't moved on. But its not like he could blame her, after all, he hadn't moved on from Allison after all these years and she was engaged to Patrick.

Luther brough up a hand to her shoulder and lightly shook her.

"(Y/n)... (Y/n)... wake up. It's time for breakfast--" He couldn't even finish his sentence when a fist met his face.

Immediately, Luther groaned in pain and held his nose. (Y/n) was now fully awake and had sprung up in bed, her fist out and looking around the room in confusion.

"What the-- Luther... I told you not to wake me up like that anymore." She told him, rubbing her tired eyes with her palms.

"I was just waking you up for breakfast...jesus christ you pack a big punch for someone who just woke up..." Luther replied.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and threw her blanket off of her, grabbing Luther's chin. She took a water bottle from her bedside table and used the what was left in it to heal the small bruising on Luther's nose. Once she was done, he thanked her and the two went downstairs to eat their breakfast.

Because their Mom hadn't made breakfast that morning, they both just decided to make whatever they wanted. Luther had the basic Wheaties cereal and (Y/n) cooked her own bacon and eggs on the stove. The two of them ate in silence, just like every other day. It's not like they had anything to share or talk about, they lived together and never went out (well at least Luther didn't) so what would there be to talk about?

The lightbulb above (Y/n) flickered a couple times before buzzing out completely. The other bulb was already dead so now both of the lights were out. Luther wanted to moan out in frustration at the minor inconvenience and (Y/n) made a mental note to go shopping later when she went to go to ballet practice.

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