Monday sings my lovely Prota

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Monday came.

The dreadful Monday came and started the beginning of Frozen Milk's cursed new life where he'd be handed like a toy between hungry little obsessed kids who were at the pinnacle of their childish greed.

Frozen Milk had to steel his nerves. He absolutely didn't want this to happen. The night before, the holy Sunday night Frozen Milk spent the entire time awake in his little cosy bed hoping, praying the night would last forever.

He would've appreciated it if he could be stuck in a loop to forever experience this night like in those films! However, of course, it'd never go as Frozen Milk wanted. Frozen Milk, driven to despair by his characters' decision, actually tried to escape.

Pack his things, steal all the money and leave far, far away but it was futile. His characters quickly, way too quickly caught on and clung onto him like little leeches afraid to be torn off and rot away on the ground.

Frozen Milk was afraid they'd lock him up but instead the cried injustice about Frozen Milk's treatment towards them. Wasn't he their creator? Why didn't he love them? They didn't understand how he could be so cruel.

If it was still Frozen Milk from the beginning, he would've rejoiced and taken pleasure at their pain and suffering but now it was Frozen Milk who felt pain seeing his dear characters let their tears shamelessly flow knowing he'd go all soft on them.

For the beloved devil, fuck!

Frozen Milk turned from a hardcore scum to a limp wimp! It was a disgrace for a character like him, all the other authors would ridicule him if they saw what he turned into!

Frozen Milk sat in his room in the big mansion his characters bought and awaited his fate. He felt like a prisoner on death row, but that was exactly what he was! With no mercy or any rights to defend himself, handed to his demise just like that! And just like that, Frozen Milk gave in!

He didn't want to admit but he did love his characters dearly and somewhere deep down in his almost normal human-like beating heart he was reluctant to leave them behind.

"System, you still haven't implemented the return feature? What a useless pile of garbage you are!"

It was now a given that Frozen Milk didn't even try to sugarcoat his words, flatter the system anymore. Throughout his whole ordeal, his system just quietly stood by and snickered, this little abdominal creation snickered and snickered in the back of his mind, almost driving him insane.

Frozen Milk wished he could poke a hole in his head, fish around to finally pull out the system, throw it on the ground and step on it a few times, mow it over with a tractor a few times and then hope the system would turn into a bloody masochist like his villain, a loyal little dog wanting to be punished.

Fuck! He couldn't believe he just wished for that, it was basically him admitting he liked his villain's pitiful character!

Frozen Milk stood up and was about to hammer his head against the wall in hopes he could wake up and this was all a dream. Yes, even after two years he still held this hope!

Frozen Milk was persistent in everything he did.

Suddenly, a knock freed Frozen Milk from his turbulent thoughts dragging him to hell that was reality.

"Frozen Milk are you there?"

Frozen Milk took a sharp breath, it was Prota. He debated if he should answer or not, or if maybe the small possibility existed that he could somehow avoid the meeting.

But of course not, Frozen Milk's face blanked for the 100 millionth time. Prota barged in like he belonged in here, right next to Frozen Milk.

"Frozen Milk! I missed you, you missed me too, right?" Prota knelt in front of Frozen Milk who sat on his bed. He took Frozen Milk's hands in his and looked up at him with puppy eyes.

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