Chapter 43

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After a couple of days, the team seemed to think that they had Dwyer's schedule down, so they made a plan to go after him. "Ok, so how do we use the cure on him if we can't get near him because he is taking our powers." Cisco asked.

"I am thinking that we use Allegra, Frost, and Blizzard to distract him and then you will breach me behind him, and I will give him a dose of the cure." Barry said.

"But that won't be giving him a chose of whether he wants to use it or not." Cisco said.

"Sometimes we have to do what has to be done. I don't think we have a choice. I don't know if I can talk him into using the cure again." Barry said.

"I understand that, but this is not what we created the cure for." Cisco said.

"I understand. So, I think we should have a vote to see who thinks we should use the cure on him or not." Barry said.

"Ok, let's do this." Cisco said.

"Everyone who thinks that we should use the cure, raise your hand." Barry said.

Barry, Caitlin, Jesse, Ronnie, Allegra and Dawn raised their hands. "Everyone against using the cure, raise your hand." Barry said. Cisco, Dr. Stein, and Barbara raised their hands.

"Ok, looks like the cure is going to be used. I will go get it ready. Then we will go and take down Cicada." Barry said as he went into the speed force for an hour.

After an hour, Barry returned, and the team suited up so that they could take Cicada down. They breach to where Dwyer normally was at this time of the day. They saw that Dwyer had his shard of metal in his bag and he took it out and Barry, Jesse, and Firestorm were powerless, but Frost and Blizzard looked to still have their powers and Allegra had her bow ready with an arrow knocked. The three women were keeping Dwyer busy while Barry got far enough away that he could use his speed again. He ran to where Cisco was, and Cisco breached him in behind Dwyer. Barry got the injector out of his pocket and ran up behind Dwyer and injected him with it. The next thing that everyone knew was that Dwyer no longer had any kind of control over the dagger. Allegra came up to Dwyer and engaged him in a fight, but without his dagger he was no match for Allegra. She ended up hitting Dwyer hard enough for him to fall to the ground. Once he was down, Allegra kicked him in the head knocking him out.

The team then tied Dwyer up and left him there for the police to pick him up. They would take him to Iron Height to be put in a meta cell just in case he somehow got his powers back.

Everyone was breached back to the new cortex and they knew that it was only Bloodwork that they had left to defeat before the Crisis was to start.

"So, what is our plan for Bloodwork?" Caitlin asked.

"Well I know we need the cell to be able to hold him like it did on the old earth." Barry said.

"Cisco, you and Ronnie go and get to work on that. This is probably going to take a while, so I would say that we just need to be patient and we need to rest up." Barry said.

"I like the sound of that. Ronnie and I will start up on the machine tomorrow." Cisco said.

"Sounds good to me. Let's go home." Barry said.

Barry and Caitlin went home so that they could be with baby Dawn, while older Dawn and Allegra went to a coffee shop so that they could just talk for a while in private.

Barry and Caitlin were sitting on the couch listening to the news when they saw the pictures of them taking down Cicada. It was good to see that the team was getting some recognition because sometimes they don't get the attention, they deserve for helping people all over the city.

"Well that is good to see that people knew it was us that took down Cicada. I am not looking for any credit. I just like honest news and some of the things they say sometimes just makes me think that the people have to be lying." Barry said.

"I agree. I am getting tired, how about we go on to bed and then in the morning we will start planning on how to stop Bloodwork." Caitlin said.

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