Chapter Three

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I have to deal with my own nightmares alone since I was a kid. My parents were always busy with their jobs so my brother and I are left in the house. We have a nanny that cooked and looked after us. At night she'll sing us lullabies so we can fall asleep faster. Sometimes she read us bedtime stories. Those were the lovely days I remembered with her. Until she got sick and she had to go back to her family.

I was an eight year old kid when my parents found someone who can stay with us again. I was glad when I heard about it. I was hoping to meet another kind lady that would accompany us but my parents told me I already know the babysitter. It was my uncle, my mother's adopted brother. He was on his college vacation at that time. So he can only look after for a few months. If I am being completely honest, I didn't like him from the very first time I saw him. He just have this sly smile like he knows something I don't. I always felt uncomfortable with him. The way he looked at me whenever I'm wearing a dress or a mini skirt. I was afraid of him. I didn't tell my parents that it's bothering me a lot.

Until his birthday came. He requested to my mother if he can bring his friends over to celebrate. They refused and told him to rent a hotel room instead for their party. My parents even gave him an extra cash just so he can rent one but being the pain in the ass that he is, he held the party on our house. I caught them smoking something with a strong musky odor and he just winked at me. I didn't tell that to my parents too.

I remembered when both of them went to Europe for business purposes for a whole week. They left us with lots of food and money just in case we had an emergency. My uncle spent all the money on drinking, smoking and just partying in our own house almost every night. Me and my brother couldn't go to sleep because of the loud bang of the music, we can also hear them shouting and fighting.

Fifth day since they went abroad was when it all started. I was about to fall asleep when someone persistently knocking on the door. He kept on banging on my door and calling my name, slurring his words. Drunk and probably high, I said to myself. Thanks to him, at such a young age, I already know when someone is drunk or high. My brother's bedroom is just three yards across from my door. There's a chance that he might hear the loud noise or he's deeply fallen asleep. Ten minutes after and the noise is gone at my door but the party is still not over downstairs. I felt a sense of relief that it's gone. Until there's a loud bang on the walls. It keeps on pounding and pounding until my ears hurt. I covered both of my ears and screamed at the top of my lungs.

I woke up screaming, trembling, hyperventilating and out of breath. It's a panic attack again, I said to myself. It's been a while since I dreamt about it. I wonder what triggered it this time. I stood up to drink water to calm my nerves. If this continues I have to see my doctor again every week. I have to compose myself again and regain control of my emotions. I closed my eyes and whispered, everything is fine, repeatedly and breathe out. I took a painkiller from the medicine kit to ease the pain in my head.

The doorbell kept on ringing so I went to check it. I opened the door and saw Sir William.

"I'm terribly sorry for waking you up but I heard a loud scream from here. Did something happened? Are you okay, Quinn?"

I felt something odd this time like I am forgetting something. "I'm alright. It's just a bad dream, nothing to worry about but thanks for worrying."

"That's good to hear. It's been a while since I saw you. I am glad that you decided to visit. Sorry I didn't get the chance to say hi to you when you arrived yesterday. I'm quite busy maintaining your dad's garden."

Why does it feel like I've been here in the same situation not too long ago? This felt odd. My guts were telling me that I've seen him earlier in the morning. He even gave me a loaf of bread! After I ate breakfast, I went to the waterfalls and took some pictures. I forgot to bring my sun block so I went back to the house but... My head hurts more just by trying to remember it.

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