Chapter Twenty-Four

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Max agreed to accompany me to the forest because I can't walk by myself. I have this awful scrawny legs who kept on shaking whenever I tried to stand up with my own feet. I felt like a child who is learning how to walk for the first time. The nurse said it's normal for me to feel like this because I've been lying down on my bed for two months. Max put me on a wheelchair and has to push it for me.

It's been bothering me since my memories came back. Please put an end to me right now. I am a worthless slave for you. Those are the exact words of Sebastian. Why all of a sudden he wants me to kill him? Moments before he was ready to strangle me to death so what's with the sudden change of mind? Does it have something to do with what Chles whispered to him? Lastly, he never addressed me as his master even from the start of our contract.

"Going back here is such a huge mistake. You're still recovering and now you're back from where we found you. We can't go any further. We just walked a few meters away from the house, look how tired you are and you're just sitting like a princess while I'm pushing the carriage for you," he said jokingly.

I cracked a smile to his joke. Max is right. My body is still weak and I have to take a rest to recover my strength but I can't just sit down now that I remembered what happened. I need to know what happened to all of them especially to Orly and Violet. The fact that I killed their Queen hits me just now.

"What exactly are you looking for?"

If I told him the truth, he wouldn't believe me or worse he would think that I lost my mind.

"I don't know either... I just felt like I have to go back here to help me remember things."

"You're a terrible liar. Why are you wearing those clothes? Those are not yours and it... looks old like people used to wear it a hundred years ago."

I took a deep breath and said, "Okay. I don't know if you're going to believe me or what." If pretending that I don't know anything doesn't work out for him then I guess I have to tell the truth. "An old lady took me into another dimension and there I met a talking cat and a demon."

Max just looked at me, examining my face. There's an awkward silence between us and then he bursts into laughter.

"What kind of crack did you take? Oh gosh or is it the side effects of the meds you were taking while in a coma? Are you sure you're okay? Am I really talking to my sister? You are so funny!"

See? This is why I'm afraid to tell the truth because he'll think that I'm crazy or high on drugs. I can't help to feel silly about it too. Max won't understand even if I told him several times unless he would see it for himself.

"Kidding aside. When we were looking for you, we found out that there are numerous missing persons reported around here and most of them are travelers. I am scared that you might be one of them. This place is no longer safe for anyone, Quinn. We have to leave this place and I won't allow you to come back here again."

I haven't seen this place for a decade so leaving it for good is not a problem for me but I know I will longed for this house. The memories we had here are just too precious for me. This place witnessed our once blissful family. This is the closest thing I can call our home. I know that I will always find myself going back here again.

"Are you going to sell the house?" I asked.

He took a brief moment before answering back. He knew that this place was our haven. It's hard to let go of something you have a wonderful memory with.

"I know that our parents won't allow us to sell this house. We had so much fun here, right? I just wish we can have that kind of happiness again but we won't. We will always carry this burden as long as we are alive. We will always longed for warmth, security and love that only our parents can provide. It's been 12 years since our life changed. It has affected you and me, hugely. Mom was too devastated by the fact that she let a monster enter our lives and ruined yours too. You didn't know this but she kept on telling me that she wants to die. She can't looked at you without remembering what her adopted brother did to you. That day when they were killed by a car crash, mom was driving and he made dad drink the juice that she mixed up with a medicine that can help him fall asleep. It was shown in their autopsy."

I knew it was a suicide from the moment they told me. I caught my mom attempting to cut her wrist while she was washing our dishes. I knew back then that it was more painful for her. Look what I've done on my parents. I felt so much rage but I can't do anything right now but cry. I'm extremely tired and I just want to sleep.

"That house serves as a proof that we once had a loving family. If we don't let go of something that reminds us that we once had a perfect life then we will always remember how unfortunate we are right now. I think it's the right time for us to move on and begin again."

He came to his feet to give me a warm hug. I know he's having a hard time too. He's right that it's our past now and we have to keep on looking forward instead of longing for what we no longer have. He cried a little. My brother is such a cry-baby.

"Alright, let's leave this place together," I smiled knowing that the future looks brighter.

He wiped his tears with the back of his hand and said. "Let's go back now before it gets dark, I don't want to see ghosts lurking around."

"You are a Sergeant First Class and you're afraid of ghosts?" I laughed.

"What? You forgot that this is because of you? You said you had a friend who helped you end that bastard's life. Seriously, I got tons of nightmare just because of what you said. Wait, what's with that look in your face? You don't remember it?"

A ghost? What is he talking about?

"Max, you're telling me that I had a friend "ghost" who helped me back then?"

"Yeah. Why? Do you really forgot about it? I thought you didn't. Wow, looks like the therapies really worked for you."

You can't escape from what your fate dictates, little girl!

You are destined to meet again!

Your life is at stake!

You kept saying that someone is helping you.

As I keep on hearing those words, all I can do is just cry. Everything seems so overwhelming for me. I don't know what to think first. Memories from my past found its way home. Little by little, I remember it all. Someone helped me to kill my abuser. It's not a ghost nor am I hallucinating. Tom mentioned that demons came from human's desperation. Chles said we are destined to meet again because I created him out of my weaknesses and desire to kill. I am Sebastian's creator. How could I forget about him?

"Please let me dye my hair back from its original color. Please."

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