Chapter Seventeen

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"What kind of creature is he Tom?"

I asked while rummaging through these bunch of clothes inside a wooden cabinet. The man let me have a rest here where they store all of their clothes. It also has a bathroom next door. When he said he will show us to the cleanest room, well he's right. It has been kept clean not like the rest of this palace I guess. Tom is currently lying down on the couch, with his eyes closed but I'm sure he's awake.

"He's a ghoul."

"So that's how ghouls looks like."

"No, he's different. I really don't know the truth but the rumors about him is that he betrayed his whole kingdom, hence as a punishment a demon cursed him to be a ghoul and he will never die even if he committed suicide and everyone except him died. Ghouls don't look like that because commonly their physique appear as a slump, emaciated just like a stray dog who hasn't been eating for days. Sebastian never mentioned Trent to me that's why I don't know how they met."

So that's his name. Being immortal is really a punishment and that's just means he wasn't a ghoul originally. Why did he betrayed his kingdom and now I realized why Sebastian chose to come here. He will ask for Trent's help to defeat Callum.

"Anyway, I'm going there to hear whatever they're talking about. I'll leave you here so take a rest. If you're hungry just come find Sebastian. Ja ne, human. "

There are so many dresses to choose from but I don't want to wear one anymore. I'm certain that there are pants in here I just have to find it. This feels like I went back in Victorian era, there are corsets, hats, long dresses, petticoats and a lot of jewelries. What kind of creature is Trent then? Is he a human like me? I don't see any peculiarity in here. The bathroom even has a bathtub. I can't find any pictures hanging on the walls so I don't have a single clue.

I went to the next room to take a bath. I opened the faucet, warm water came out from it. I found a soap inside a cabinet. I don't think he uses this room because the things here looks like it hasn't been touched or moved. How long has he been living alone? I stare at myself in the mirror, slowly removing my bandage, the strangulation marks are gone now. I guess Violet's medicine is really top notch. I never thought I'll be here and interact with those creatures. This is all real, right?

I suddenly remembered Sky. I hope she's not mad at me anymore. If she saw those dresses, I'm sure she will freak out. She likes vintage, she collects jewelries, she once told me she wants to attend a cosplay convention but she's too afraid that people who knew her will judge her because they don't expect her to like those kind of stuff. People knew her as someone who has a reputable family, his father being known as a wise politician and her mother is a celebrity dentist. She's basically living the best life but she told me she always felt an immense pressure from everyone around her. Sky is an only child and with those kind of successful parents, she's expected to be like them too.

Hearing her story for the first time, I learned that life is fair. She's wealthy but she still felt this emptiness in her heart. Sky can't express her full self because everyone is keeping their eyes on her. That's why she wants to run away from it and just live a simple life. Her so-called friends is just using her status but she couldn't abandon them because she has no one else. While me, who is a loner at school, someone who she's not expecting to be friends with, I became her confidant. I really missed talking to her.

I took my dress off and gaze on my body. I used to hate this body. For years, I wore baggy clothes just so people won't notice how it transforms from a girl to a woman. So when I walk on the streets, people won't look at me. Maybe that's why I didn't gain any friends when we moved to another city because they find my fashion absurdly odd considering my age and sex. One of my favorite singers even wrote the lyrics, If I wear what is comfortable? I am not a woman. If I shed the layers, I'm a slut. That says a lot about what society has become. I guess even how I dressed was affected by being a victim of abuse.

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