Chapter Twenty-One

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I am awake but it feels like I am trapped inside my body. I tried to raise my left hand but I couldn't. I'm conscious but I can't move an inch. It feels like I am leaning on something hard, probably a rock. I looked around me and noticed how the trees covered the light coming from the moon so it's quite hard to see. I was sitting on the grass like my body is literally glued into it.

The only thing that I still have full control are my eyes. Am I still in Aletheia? How the heck did I come here? Tom and I were in that cellar when the lights came out and when I opened my eyes, suddenly I'm in my room in our old house. Both of my hands were full of blood and I am trembling in fear.

"Oh, you're awake now."

A man appeared from the shadows, his hair is white and long enough to cover his right eye. The right part of his face up to his shoulders is just bones, no flesh to cover it. He smiled at me menacingly. I know he's a demon just by looking at his eye. He has the same color as Sebastian's. This is probably Callum.

"I'm not going to hurt you, why would I do that? Well, in fact, I owe you this second life but I guess the blood isn't enough to have a complete body. It's just a face anyway."

Callum has a deep and calm voice like he can easily hypnotize someone just by his voice. I think he's the one who took me away from the cellar and made me think I'm in my old room. I tried to stand up once again even if I know I will fail. I know that my life is in danger so I should at least try to resist. I watched as he sat down in front of me.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person." He smirked. "I want to play with you, little girl. How about a puppet show? Sounds nice right? I am going to be the puppeteer and you're the lifeless doll. I will command each and every single of your move and make you obey everything I asked you to do. You will do anything I say to you and you will watch from your own perspective as you kill your friends," He shook his head and said, "More like your abductors. None of them are your friend, just to remind you."

Of course, I know that. Sebastian and Tom needs something from me that's why they will do anything to save me from Callum and not because they sincerely care for me.

Is this how I'm going to die? Callum will use me as a vessel for his evil plans. He knows Sebastian won't hurt me even if I tried killing him. I can't fathom how cruel this is. He could have pretended to be me but instead he chose this. He wants me to die slowly by torturing what's left in my heart. He knew that even if I hated them, killing them is the last thing I would do.

"Oh don't give me that look! I know you're not as innocent as you appear to be. You killed a person when you were young. I have to say, quite a temper but you are different! Some other kids would just freeze and never fight back. I felt pity for you, little girl. You have an unfortunate life but who knows you might be lucky on your next one," he laughed with malice. "So, tell me how did you feel when you stabbed that poor lad?"

He's using my weakness against me. Why is it like this? If people knew you're wounded, have a tragic past, they will use it against you just so they can show that you're inferior to them.

"I don't feel like fighting right now so you're going to do it for me. Don't worry about your strength. Let's just say I will let you borrow mine. So the only thing you have to do is watch."

Chles slowly walked towards us. I haven't seen Chles since she took my blood. She looks nothing like herself and she seems lifeless too. This is not the Queen of Moonfall. Pale lips, No jewels, no stunning dresses but only a plain white dress with no decorations at all.

What did Callum did to her? She just stood behind Callum, staring vacantly from afar. He saw that I was worrying for Chles.

"Oh her? She's fine. Don't worry. I've been controlling her since I died, I made her collect blood for me. But now she's useless to me."

They are Moonfall's Queen and King but it seems like Callum lost his love for this woman. Tom was right when he told me that demons loses their morality when they died and got resurrected. Chles suffered twice, when Callum died and when he forgot the love that they promised with each other. Bringing him back to life is a huge problem because his heart only seeks for revenge.

A sudden realization hits me, I might die tonight. I'm going to meet my parents again but I can no longer talk to my brother and reconcile with Sky. I can finally feel at peace, no one will blame me for what my life have become. I am tired of whining, complaining and this self-pity won't stop unless...

"Are you crying?" He asked.

He reached for my face and wipe my tears, giving me a smug look. He knew he already won this fight. I can't even move away from him, I felt disgusted when he touched my face.

Where are Sebastian, Tom and Trent? Will they come and rescue me from this wicked creature? But if they come here, Callum will surely slaughter each one of them by using me as his pawn.

"Oh, I forgot to form a contract with you! Give me your arm."

He took my right arm and make a chant. It stings like an iron that had just placed over a fire and then it touches my skin. Even if I'm his puppet, I can still feel pain. A young girl who has strings attached to her like a puppet tattooed in my arm, it's the emblem.

"I know you have this void in your heart that no one can ever fill. It's like a black hole that sucks every bit of you. I can help you with that. I will be your guide to redemption. All you have to do is to obey me, little girl. Rise my beloved puppet and kill Sebastian!"

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