Chapter Sixteen

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"What are we doing here, you stupid demon?"

Tom felt irritated by the mere presence of Sebastian since this morning. He's still mad at him because things are not going according to their plan, finding Sebastian's creator.

Sebastian brought us to an ocean with a stunning lighthouse. The cold breeze made me shiver. I don't know what he's planning to do in here. He just told us to follow him.

"That's a portal." He pointed at the lighthouse. "Put your cloak on, Quinn."

This is the first time I heard him say my name. I guess last night made us more comfortable with each other. Quite thankful to Tom for pretending he wants to "buy his own food" just to have an excuse to leave us alone.

"Oh no... not this one!" Tom protested, stopping his feet from moving forward. A sudden realization hits him and said, "What do you think you're doing? You know whose life is in danger if we enter that freaking world."

There's no one else aside from me so it's obvious he's referring to me. What sort of creature lies beyond that portal, I wonder. Tom's reaction is enough evidence that I have to be careful once we get inside. I don't feel good about this to be honest but I have to trust Sebastian.

"Callum wants me dead and he saw this emblem on my hand. Now it's logical that he'll make me suffer by using her against me because he knew a contractee is important for a demon. I can't risk her life but I can't set her free, not yet," Sebastian said.

"So going there seems like a solution to you?"

"Yes because I don't have anyone else."

Judging by what Sebastian said, he trusts whoever is in there on the other side.

"Uh guys, can you at least give me a clue what kind of creature are we going to meet?"

"You better see it for yourself." Tom said and continue walking.

I feel like there's no other place for humans to be safe other than our own. Even if I'm scared of what's to come, my curiosity are on fire. It's weird that I feel normal being with them now. I think my mind has finally adapted to their peculiarity.

We reached the threshold and Sebastian immediately picked something from his pocket. It's like a coin and he put it in the hole beside the door knob. So it seems like this world's portal isn't accessible to anyone unless you have the same coin as Sebastian's. The wooden door opened up, revealing the world we are about to enter. I saw a huge castle faraway. There are small houses below it. We are standing on top of the mountain. If you're not careful enough you'll fall to your death.

"How come I didn't know you're friends with this infamous douchebag?" Tom asked. He really likes insulting others.

"We're not friends, he's just indebted to me." Sebastian responded quickly. "Hey? Can you walk down this mountain with those shoes?"

This pair of boots is a pain in the ass but I don't want to be a burden to them so I have to say yes even if the fingers on my foot are begging for air.

"Yeah, I can."

The moment I said those words my left foot slipped on the rock and I almost fall. Good thing Sebastian is quick that he held my back to support me.

"Oops, you almost died there." Tom teased.

"I'll walk in front of you so you can hold on to the back of my shirt."

He pulled my hand and put on his back. This is most likely what a father would ask his daughter to do if they are strolling a crowded place so they won't get separated. I gripped it firmly like my life really depends on it. Tom went first. This is such a piece of cake for him because he's a four-legged creature. Sebastian made sure I can keep up with his pace. If only I was wearing a much comfortable footwear then I won't be such a cargo to them.

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