Chapter Eleven

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A kid no matter what her age became an adult if exposed to any traumatic experience. My parents found a solution to give me an ordinary life despite of what happened to me, they changed my name into Quinn. We migrated from a different city and started again. I mean to start my life all over again pretending that nothing happened. They paid tons of money just so the media and the police will shut up. We thought by doing that we could stop spreading the rumors but it didn't. My parents decided to get a psychiatrist to help me forget the incident. The doctors said it was possible but no matter what they did to me, counseling, medication, psychotherapies, they were nothing.

My brother was able to forget all of it. It must be so blissful. I don't know if my parents were just full of shame and guilt that's why they decided to reprogram my brain or they just don't want a fragmented daughter. They always tell me that they love me but the conviction they had to erase my memories were too much. Sometimes I felt like I'm a laboratory rat. My new name taught me how to live my life like I'm just like the other kids in school. It's supposed to give me a fresh start on life but it didn't. The past that we are trying to run away from is still haunting me.

The reality that I have no chance to get another brand new life hits me hard. Two years after, my parents died in a car crash. I remember back then that I felt like the world had turned against me, like it's trying to kill me in an optimal level of emotional trauma. I was trying to convince myself that it wasn't a suicide because that's how others see it. They were not wearing seatbelts and the road they were travelling was empty that day.

The people who went to the funeral looked at me with a question in their faces because I wasn't crying or bawling like my brother. I was so sad that I felt empty inside that I can't shed a single tear. I just felt so numb and everything felt like a bad dream that I can't wake up from. The first night that Aunt Cherry took us in, I cried in our room when my brother had fallen asleep. I covered my whole face with a pillow so no one will hear me. I grieved for hours until I fell asleep. Few years later, Max decided to enter the army and leaft me on our Aunt's house.

"Quinn, are you okay?" A familiar voice said.

It's been a while since I dreamt of my parents. They have this dreary eyes that says it all. I'm sorry, they said those words again and again. Their faces are covered in blood, their car crashed into a huge tree then it exploded with them inside. I used to dreamt about this when I was young, over and over again. Sometimes it's in a loop where the only way to stop is when I wake myself up. At first it was hard for me but the more I dreamt about it, the more I don't see it as a nightmare because for me it's the only chance I can get to see them. That's all it matters for me.

Violet is sitting on an elegant black chair. I did a quick look around and noticed that I am in unfamiliar room. It is filled with the smell of books and scented candles. There's a tiny space left of here. The books were cramped everywhere. It seems that these three large bookshelves are not enough.

"I'm sorry that my room is a mess." She said while she handed me a pie and a bottle filled with gray liquid.

"It's for the loss of blood" she said.

"Did you put poison on my food?"

"No, why would I do that? We had a deal right?"

"I'm glad you remembered. It's night already?"

"It's midnight and I can't convince Helena and Ruby not to participate in the uprising." She rubs her temple with her eyes closed. "Let me worry about that later because we need to hurry up. What is it that you want again?"

I can't tell her that I am planning to escape from them so I have to ask her subtly how to get away from this place.

"I just want to know anything about this place. Where the heck am I? This is not on Earth right?"

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