Chapter Thirteen

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I remember every second of that day. My head is filled with vivid pictures of it. I know exactly how everyone felt listening to my brother. They were enchanted on how he has this hidden talent in singing. Of course, they didn't know he's such a good singer because they've only seen him playing the guitar but I always heard him whenever he's in the kitchen, in his room and even when we're watching TV. I can say that I am the very first fan that he got. That day, our school festival, his band were scheduled to perform at the oval but their vocalist was sick at that time so someone had to take over. Max have always been felt so insecure about his voice. He thinks his technique is the worst and he just doesn't want people to hear his voice but that day he knew he had to do it.

I was standing with my friends in the crowd cheering for the band to come out of the stage. We were shouting their band name so loud that I got sore throat after that day. They came out but their vocalist wasn't there with them. I felt surprised and elated when he stood in the center and grabbed the mic. From there on, I am no longer the only fan he have. I picture my brother in stadiums singing his heart out because this has been his dream. I closed my eyes while the crowd goes crazy for him and I made a wish that someday, I'll be attending his first ever concert. That day was his stepping stone to his dream and I ruined it for him.

I woke up feeling like I've been hit by a train. My throat is begging for something to drink. Violet noticed that I am dying of dehydration so she offered me water.

We're inside a small cavern. My back hurts from lying down on the cold ground. I saw Orly resting near the entrance while Violet approached me carrying a bandage on her hands. There are no signs of Sebastian and Tom. Did they left me?

"Can you sit down?"

I was able to sit down but I have to exert so much effort to it. Violet opened her hand and a tiny bottle appeared out of nowhere. She poked her finger inside to get some of it then she rubbed it on my neck. It smells like when you minced a plant and then she wrapped the bandage around my neck.

I hold her wrist and said, "Go and find them. You can't stay here."

"It's fine. They're going to be alright," she said then proceed on putting the bandage.

"How can you be so sure about that? You were so worried that they can't fight against your Queen and King."

"After you told me about the uprising yesterday, I went to my sister and tried to convince her but I failed. So I went directly to our Queen to tell her everything you said. I raised my concern regarding Helena participating in the revolt. She told me that I can rest assured that nothing will happen to her. Her Majesty can control time. She must have seen the future."

If she can control time then it's not a déjà vu. What happened to me at the forest, the morning before they took me away.

"I didn't want to wake you up a while ago but I think you're murmuring while you're sleeping. Are you alright?"

It's not just my body who feels worn out. The things Sebastian said to me made me remember the memories I've been trying to repress. I felt melancholic, again. I thought I had it all figured out. It's been twelve years since that happened but why do I feel like it happened yesterday? I was able to climb out of the pit that I was pushed into but suddenly it was hard for me to grip into something. Do I have to endure years in the dark again? I was doing fine, not the best but that's all I need to survive.

"Oh... ah... I just dreamt of my brother."

"I'm sure you've missed him."

My tears fell down on my face like raindrops caught on a window. "Yes I do."

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