Chapter Four

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I opened my eyes and saw the tabby sitting beside me. I can tell that he's speaking but I can't clearly comprehend it. I felt dizzy and nauseous. I tried to stand up but it seems that the world is spinning.

"I need to throw up."

The cat gave me a bowl to puke on. I think there's nothing left inside me since I vomited it all. I handed the bowl to the cat and go back to sleeping again. I saw his face just before I closed my eyes. He look disgusted. It's enough to knock me out of consciousness after seeing the cat walk like a man.

Pale red eyes are the first thing that I saw when I finally gain consciousness again and then he went away. A human with red eyes?

I tried to sit down with all the strength left in my body because I had a tough day and my stomach is in rage. I squinted my eyes to see my surroundings clearly. It looks normal like an actual human being is living here.

"Where am I, tabby?" I asked the cat who is sitting across from me, drinking from a mug. Probably staring at me since I got here.

"Don't call me tabby, human."

He continued on consuming whatever is on that mug. I looked at the man staring outside the window. Did they come to rescue me?

"Where is this place?"

I looked around and saw the cane leaning on the chair. He must be here somewhere. The guy turned his head and stares at me with those luminous flamed-eyes.

"You're the smokeman who rescued us?"

"The Smokeman," the cat said while bursting out of laughter.

"This is just my human form. I mean the appearance that could go well with others without terrifying them and for the record I am not a smokeman."

His eyes that were bright red before turned into a pale red. His eyes are shape the shape of almonds. He stares coldly and distant. He's wearing a black tracksuit paired with black rubber shoes. His messy curtain hair almost covered both of his eyes. The only thing that is not dark-looking is his skin and a few white lines on his tracksuit. Where did he get his tracksuit by the way?

"Okay, this is a lot to take in."

I am beyond confused with my current situation. I slapped my face for several times to check if I'm just dreaming and it fucking hurts every single time.

"Oh gosh, this is real. I was being auctioned a while ago and now I'm stuck with the two of you. Can you please at least explain why I'm here? Because I am starting to lose my mind."

"We don't have time for your questions. Now, we need to get out of here. The witch will surely send one of her owns. Female human, you have no choice but to come with us or you might want to end up in the cold bars again. This time for good."

A violet ray blasted through the walls that almost got me in the chest if the guy didn't shoved me to the side of the room. I fell on a bookshelf and the impact destroyed it. My back took most of the impact. Someone pulled me from the ground, a cyclops. The guy punched him in the back and threw him outside the house. It made a crack on the walls and I saw hundreds of trees outside. We are in a middle of a forest. Could it be the woods near the cabin?

"There are far too many enemies here. You can't fight everyone in that form. Better send them to hell, demon!" the cat shouted.

The man transformed into something like a monster in a child's nightmare. Limbs of a man but longer and dark sharp nails. He is much taller now and frightening. He fight with bloodlust. He showed no mercy and violently killed all the cyclops that came his way. He's like reaping souls. The huge physique of a cyclops is no match for him. He made it look like a massacre. I don't see a man nor a soldier, he's a demon.

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