Lightbringer | Lucifer x Devil!Male

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"He's the devil! He's the devil!"

Lucifer only hums softly, passing by the people screaming at him. A year ago he would have felt angry and turned to yell at the ignorant citizens, but now it hardly bothers him. Lucifer brushes past all of the screaming protesters trying to convince police to arrest him.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get rid of them?" you whisper to your little pet.

"Yes," Lucifer replies. "Their screaming is pointless. It won't work, after all, I've done nothing wrong. You, on the other hand."

You smirk widely, sharp teeth visible to only your lover. "You don't seem as stressed with the names they yell, darling."

Lucifer looks back at you as you follow behind him. "It doesn't bother me as much as it did."

"And why not?"

"Having my name associated with you doesn't feel as wrong as it did," Lucifer replies, slowing in a silent motion to tell you to walk beside him as you reach the end of the crowd and now walk along an empty sidewalk. "I used to hate being called the devil when I'm not."

"But you're in love with him," you muse with a smile. "So now you don't care for people confusing us?"

"It's not like I could stop it anyway," Lucifer says. "I'm the angel cast into Hell and you're the divine created to rule it. They're bound to get it wrong in their small minds."

"I should never be confused with you," you hiss. "You're much too pure to be a creature as evil as me."

Lucifer frowns at this, turning to you. "You're not completely evil, Y/n and it's not your fault either. Dad created you to be cold and harsh, it's not your fault you're like this. You're misunderstood, love, you're not evil... Not entirely anyway."

You smirk at that. "Yes, I don't believe those nightly murders are a 'good' thing. You're misunderstood too though, my pet. People assume your reasons for that little rebellion and they assume you've fallen into the darkness that took me. You're surrounded in my darkness, but you're still a light, darling. My Lightbringer."

Lucifer smiles. You pull him close, covering his lips with yours. Lucifer's arms wrap around your neck and his legs wrap around your waist as you let your leathery red wings show. A short flight and you're standing in Lux's penthouse.

Lucifer pulls away as your wings disappear again. "Where are they this time?"

"Under the floor," you reply. "I found a nice little hiding space under a loose tile by the bar. That reminds me, I really must be getting rid of those two. I heard that those rude police people were going to be visiting tonight."

"Again?" Lucifer groans. "They never give up. They've found nothing here and still insist on searching. Do you want help flying the bodies down to Hell?"

"I'll be fine," you reply. "And I'll be fast. Just say I'm in the throws of a massive orgasm or something if the LAPD gets here before I get back."

Lucifer rolls his eyes but nods. "Maybe I'll have to hold you back from the throws of a massive orgasm later to punish you, darling, I'm getting tired of all these police searches."

"Tired of seeing that old friend of yours?"

"Yes," Lucifer replies. "She's the one who insisted on the searches even though I assured her they were unnecessary and pointless. She's just as small minded as the rest of them. All I need in you."

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