Welcome To Hell [1]

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Prepare For Impact.

Copyright © 2020 MaeleneBooker

All rights reserved.

Please be reminded that this story is a product of my imagination. All plot twists and personalities were made up by me. Any similarities this story has with other books is purely coincidental. Please do not cause any fights or hate in the comments. I respect every opinion, but please try not to offend others.

                                          ❁ Azriel

"Hey Lord it's me again, yeah yeah I understand, you're probably going to say, something like: yo Azi, what is this like the 4th time today? Get a grip girl Jesus Christ!" I whisper to myself with my eyes closed, on my knees begging.

"But you gotta listen to me man- er I mean Lord, you can't allow me attend that place, even I don't deserve to be ignored and shipped off like some cheap amazon cargo, And if you even are real, you'd stop this-"

"Azi!" My mother called from downstairs.

I slowly opened my eyes to reveal the nearly blinding sun rays shining through my bedroom window, waiting for any type of sign, any sign at all.

Maybe like the chirping of a bird? I don't know.

Not a single bird chirped.

After two minutes tick by my mother yells again. "Azriel Aliyah Davis, what the hell are you doing in that room of yours!?" She demands and I sigh in defeat.

What a pain.

I stand up straight and dust off my navy blue uniform before heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Ma there she is." One of the twins, Kyerra announces. I grunt in response then open the fridge to find something to munch on.

I settle for an apple, because frankly even I'm to lazy to whip up a bowl of cereal this early in the morning.

"Is everything alright hun?" My mother questions concerned, already in her scrubs. I just give her a faint nod before taking a seat beside Kyerra at the dining table.

"What was taking you so long up there?" She presses me and I stiffen.

I do not need to explain to her how I was completely ignored by God in dire need of saving.

"It was nothing." I reply a little to quickly. She finally stops asking me questions and goes back to eating her cereal and scrolling through her phone.

"Ew." Kyerra gags.

"Excuse me?"

"You look like someone just peeled of your toenails then peed in your eye." She states and I just shrug.

"I'm continuing my junior year at a fancy new school today what do you expect dumbass." I utter matter of factly.

Mom screws her face looking up from her phone, "Azi, stop."

I roll my eyes and take three bites from my apple already frustrated.

C'mon Azi think of something! Anything! Think think think.


"Ma...I think I'm sick." I groan dramatically while releasing a series of fake coughs.

My mom sighs heavily, "Hun, just what the hell you think you doin'? You ain't fooling me girl. In fact I don't care if you got a kidney disease, lung cancer, or if you're on the brink of death, but you're going to that school." My mother scolds.

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