Chapter Twenty-Two: Jax

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"What's wrong," Jax asked as he entered his mom's kitchen. Kristina had a worried look on her face and his mom was actually crying. On the table in front of them was what looked like an old typewriter-written manuscript.

"Clay's a fucking bastard," Gemma sobbed.

"You need to read this," Kristina pushed the manuscript towards him "especially the page that's marked."

Jax noticed a purple sticky note poking out from a marked page. Then the noticed the title and author:

*** The Life and Death of Sam Crow: How the Sons of Anarchy Lost Their Way

By John Thomas Teller ***

What the fuck? His dad had written a book...bashing SAMCRO? Even though he wasn't sure that he really wanted to, he picked the manuscript up and flipped to the marked page. It was the first page of the last chapter.

*** As I write this, I know that I am not long for this world. My best friend is planning to shove me loose the mortal coil. He's in love with my wife and planning an accident on my bike, brake failure on the highway. Maybe it's for the best. I'll no longer be around to poison the mind of my son, Jackson. I want him to know the brotherhood of the club, the way it was in the beginning, but without the crime and violence that are slowly but surely rotting away that brotherhood now. A good father and a good outlaw cannot exist within the same man. Gemma and Jackson will be better off with me in the grave. Jackson will have a chance at a real life.***

Jax was having a hard time processing what he was reading. His dad was convinced that Clay was trying to kill exactly the same way that he actually died. The brakes on JT Teller's bike had gone out while he was on the highway. He had collided with a semi truck and was dragged over 150 feet. Still, he had lived for three more days before succumbing to his injuries. Tellers don't die easy, they die bloody. At least that's what his mom had always told him.

"Jax, honey?" Kristina's voice broke him out of his thoughts. "Are you okay?"

"No," Jax shook his head. "I'm not. Clay needs to go." He took a seat at the head of the table. "Tara came to the garage this morning spouting her bullshit about the good ol' days and wanting to get back together. She knows Tommy Boy isn't my biological son. Clay told her...when the son of a bitch called her in Chicago and told her that I was in over my head with the New York mob and forced to marry you." He was looking at Kristina as he spoke.

The look that came over his wife's face could best be described as murderous. "I'm not sure who I want dead more, Clay or the Evil fucking Queen," she hissed. Was it wrong that her need for revenge and bloodlust was a big turn on for him?

Gemma's tears had stopped though her eyes were red and puffy. "I'll handle Tara." His mother needed to take her rage out on someone and the good doctor had chosen the worst time to come home and start shit. "What are you gonna do about Clay?" His mom was old lady enough to know that Clay's fate was now out of her hands.

"Nothing yet," Jax shook his head. "I need to figure out what kind of game he's playing. He's making move like he's working with someone. I need to find out who before I take this to the table. For now, we all act like nothing has changed."

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