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"Yess." You groaned. Kuroo had been saying these three words for the past 10 minutes, I couldn't even stand it anymore as I was at the stove cooking some ramen while he sat on the floor.


"Kuroo, you almost done."

"No." He said then shook his head. "Wait yes. Ushiwaka is your boyfriend!" He stood up suddenly making you jump as you sat the two ramen bowls on the table.

"Eat Kuroo." You said then stuffed your face.

"How'd it happen?" He asked slowly playing with his food. You perked up remembering your night in the rain. You squealed in your head as a smile was held on your face.

"Um. I confessed? And then he did too so." I lied a little wanting to keep it to myself knowing he doesn't like the lovey dovey shit.

"Oh. How long have you guys been dating?"

"2 days." You replied monotonously.

"Damn. And he's already left his clothes? You must be doing something right." He teased. I choked on my noddles before I hit him in the arm making him laugh.


"What are you doing here anyways? Don't you have school?" I asked washing the dishes.

"Yea. I just needed some air away from Tokyo. The Spring tournament coming up is taking a toll on me." He laughed lightly as I pouted.

"Don't work yourself to hard Kuroo. It's still aways away." You smiled as he nodded.

"I heard we have a training camp coming up with you." He asked and I nodded remembering the schedule.

"Yup. Guess i'll be seeing you there as well."

Kuroo and I settled down before he had to leave to catch the train. We said our goodbyes giving each other a big hug. I was gonna miss him even though we would be seeing each other in a month.


"Good morning Tendō~." I said walking into class 3-3. Aiya walked in beside me with Yua as they held hands. They had finally gone public to the school.

"Morning Y/n-chan~."

I sat down with them for a bit before Ushijima told me we had to go to class. I didn't know what to do as we held our distance since we weren't public. It felt awkward since we weren't talking at all.

"Ushijima-senpai." We both turned around to the sound of a girl calling his name. She held out a box with a note as I stared at it wide-eyed. "Please take this!" She bowed holding out the box.

"Thank you. But I cannot receive this." He said and turned around leaving me and the girl. The girl was on the verge of tears before I put my hand on her shoulder.

"I can give it to him for you." I asked and she nodded handing me the box before running away. I smiled sadly before turning around heading to class.

"You know you don't have to turn down free food." I joked placing the box on Ushijima's desk. He looked at me before taking the note and reading it. He sighed before handing it to me to throw out. I felt bad as I ripped it up so no one could read it.

"I don't eat chocolates. So here." He handed me the box as I hesitantly took it.

"Thanks." I said quietly before putting it in my bag.

𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦~| 𝑈𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑗𝑖𝑚𝑎 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now