Where Are You?

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    It's  been days Xin ci never allowed  Shen Wei  to visit his son who turned  into a woman.

    Yunlan been looking out in the window, only his friend is allowed  to visit him Da quing. "Tell me Yunlan why are you seducing that man? I thought  you didn't like him?" He ask.

   "I don't  know Da quing! I suppose  to hate him for doing this to me!" As he sigh. "But I miss him! Even his touch!" That made Da quing  widen his eyes, "What?! Maybe because you turned into a girl your hormones  went haywire and wanted him!" He said.

    Da quing! What will I do?! I want him ! My body aches for him." Da quing  almost pop his eyes off. When Yunlan clinging  to him. "Stop! Pressing those boobs of yours to me!" And shoved him. "Don't  worry I'll call him!" But Da quing  forgot he have no number of Yezun or Yunlan's  groom to be.

   Yunlan on the other hand can't  sleep that night, he kept tossing and turning. Feeling lost, he miss Shen Wei's lips and touch. He didn't  notice his touching himself and moaning  his name in his dark room. Shen Wei  on the other hand made a portal in Yunlan's  room and smelled  that scent that  Yunlan is giving.

    He ran toward it to find his lover naked under the blanket touching himself and moaning his name. Yunlan on the other hand didn't  notice Shen Wei  presence and almost scream when a hand shut his mout. "It's  me! Shen Wei!" Yunlan suddenly  relax and forgot his naked underneath  as he sit up and embrace  Shen Wei.  "I miss you where have you been?!"

    Shen Wei  almost bleed his nose when Yunlan's  bare chest pressed  unto him. His control break, "I'm here and gonna help you in your problem!" Well Yezun told him what will happen  if he didn't  make love to Yunlan right now. Yunlan will be restless because of the magic he did. And will make love to any man he encounter until his body will be satisfied.

   That's  not what Shen Wei  want his Yunlan is only his. Mr. Zhao won't  understand  this, so he portal inside his room to take Yunlan right now before other men might got interested in him.

    He kissed  Yunlan passionately  while pressing his heated body unto him. With one click his bare naked infront of him as he laid Yunlan on the bed again.
Yunlan felt his in heaven when those lips touched  his lips, neck and bare body. Sucking her breast  while Shen Wei  other hand preparing his sweet  hole.

    Yunlan became a moaning mess when Shen Wei thrusted upon him and quickly find his soft spot. "Xiao Wei! More!!! He moan. Shen Wei smirk seeing his bride to be panting beautiful underneath him. With one thrust more he spilled  inside of him. Yunlan shut himself to scream as that hot liquid went through him.

    But Shen Wei  is not satisfied  he rock again his body unto him while kissing his Yunlan passionately.  Yunlan cried and moan at the same time as Shen Wei  make love to him throughout that night.

    Next morning Mr. Zhao notice his son became happy, "Maybe because tomorrow  will be his wedding day?!" He said to himself. When suddenly  Yunlan ran toward the bathroom  and puke in the toilet.  Mr. Zhao became  worried and called their doctor Lin Jing.

   The doctor check him up only to find out his pregnant.  "What?! How?!!" He shouted at Yunlan. "Whose the father!!!" Mr. Zhao want to kill someone when he laid eyes on Yunlan's  friend. "Sir! It wasn't  me! I won't  lay a finger  on my friend." But Xin ci grabbed  Da quing, "Your the only man here in our house!" Da quing  sweat and tried to reason with him. Mr. Zhao almost punch his face when Yunlan sqeek. "It's  my fiance! Mr. Shen Wei! He took me last night!" Looking like a lost kick puppy.

    "My daughter.....my lovely, poor daughter! Your mother will stand up in her grave!" Xin ci almost cried  hugging  his son who turned into a woman. He cursed  Shen Wei's  name and called him back to his house. He must marry Yunlan quickly before his pregnancy news reach out to every relatives and their friends,  his son reputation will be tarnished.

    In a moment  Shen Wei  came with his didi in fear his father in law might kill him. "I want you to marry Yunlan right now!" Shen Wei  was shocked, "But why not tomorrow  father?" Mr. Zhao glared at him, " Don't  call me father! You made my son pregnant because of your wierd gift! I don't  want my son being married that he have a bump on his stomach!" He suddenly  pulled his gun. "Are you gonna married him or not?!"

     Within an hour, Yunlan wear the wedding gown they bought  and the wedding coordinator prepared everything  quickly. The guests was a little  surprised  on why the wedding date have change. Many of Yunlan's  friends and former lovers  where there.
To cry on why Yunlan never choosen  them.

   "Who invited them!!!" Shen Wei's  spear suddenly  appeared and his anger is escalating.  Yezun calmed  down his gege, "Well they are  Yunlan friends too you know? And Mr. Zhao invited them as well! Maybe he want to show off how magnificent  and handsome  Yunlan's  groom to be?!" That made Shen Wei's  spear disappeared.

   Suddenly  the orchestra  play and the door open to reveal the beautiful bride, everyone was shocked  seeing Yunlan as a woman. Zhu Hong one of his lover faint to Dr. Lin Jing's  arm. "What happened  to him?! Why he become a woman?!" Yang ask to Da quing  who shrugged  off as he also didn't  know.

    Everybody whispering  on what happened  as they went silent when Mr. Zhao glared at them. And continue to walk Yunlan in the isle. The officers and people of Shen Wei  was satisfied. Shen Wei  eagerly took Yunlan's  hand to his. "Your beautiful!" And kiss his bride's forehead. Yunlan blushed  and thanks  him. As the wedding begin.

    But within a minute one of Yunlan's  uninvited admirers came Zhuiji, "How could you do this to me! You told me your straight! And won't  give in to men! But here you are marrying one!" He shout. And took out his gun.



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