His Conditions

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    Shen Wei  can't  believe  he gave in to  Yunlan's condition . The latter on the other hand was happily  sleeping  in his arms. "I love you Xiao Wei!" He murmured in his sleep.

   Shen Wei  caress his face and kissing his wife softly. "What to do with the potion now? Since Yunlan have  this conditions?" He place it inside the nightstand and sleep took over him.

     In the morning, Shen Wei  first made some breakfast. Mr. Zhao is very impressed  to Shen Wei's  cooking while carrying Weilyn to his arms. "I'm sorry Dad I didn't  greet you properly when I arrive!" Mr. Zhao stop him, "I know my son is a little  bit stubborn and immature,  please  bear with him."

    Shen Wei  smile, "No his not sir! His very sweet and gentle. " Making Mr. Zhao think, "Is he talking about my son? Ah....what love can do?" He told himself while giving the milk bottle to Weilyn. "Weilyn remind me of Yunlan when he was a baby. She's  also a naughty one like her mother!"

    And pinched  her cheek. Weilyn giggle in delight. "Hey! Dad! I'm also an angel like my child!" Yunlan suddenly  came and took Weilyn from him. "Angel?! Who?! You cried like a cow, till morning until night! I didn't  know that I could survive that day! Thank god! Mrs. Chow our neighbor knew how to take care a baby!" He whispered  to Shen Wei  who chuckled.

    "So are you two going back home?" Ask Mr. Zhao while drinking his coffee.
"Ah Lan  said he wants us to stay here for a while because he miss you!" While Shen Wei  frying some fishes  for them. "Really? Maybe not me but his friends?!
Da quing,  Cong Bo, Guo and Zhu Hong!" Suddenly  Shen Wei  stop as he remembers  a familiar name.

    "Dad! Don't  tell that to Xiao.....Wei! He might get jealous!" And kiss Shen Wei's  cheek. Making him blushed  and forget his worries. "I won't  Ah Lan! I trust you! Your friends is my friends also. "If they touch you I'll kill them!" He told to himself  and smile.

    Yunlan gave back Weilyn to his Dad and eagerly called his friends as he wanted to introduce his husband to them.  Shen Wei  suddenly  remembered  the name Zhu Hong, "Wait?! Is that Yunlan's  former girlfriend?" He ask himself.

    During dinner time Shen Wei  and Yunlan went to a resto bar and gave Weilyn to his Dad for a while. Because he will meet his friends. Yunlan introduce his friends one by one to Shen Wei  until he meet eyes to eyes with Zhu Hong the former lover of his wife.  He didn't  know if Zhu Hong glared at him or she really have  big round eyes that kept staring at him almost piercing her gaze unto him.

   He tried to smile to them eventhough he don't  like them well except Da quing.  The most trusted friend of Yunlan and him. Cong Bo a chatter box talk everything happened  to Yunlan. That he isn't  likely to get married that's  why they are shocked  to know that his going to be married and with a child. "What do you mean?" Ask Shen Wei.

    Yunlan tried to change the topic but Cong Bo suddenly  said, "Because  your not his type! We all know Yunlan's  type is an out going person, the light of the party and his name is...." Yunlan suddenly  cut him off.

    "Cong Bo! Enough! Xiao Wei! Is the lord of his castle in the dark world and the most handsomest  man I ever met!" Da quing  add up, "And his didi is cute too! If you seen him! Well they are much alike, because they're  twins!"

    To stop the tension Guo ask them what will be their order. Shen Wei  still want to know whom Yunlan like if not the snake girl whose still furiously  gazing at him. Like saying he stole something  from her. Mainly Yunlan.

    But as the foods and drinks came, the talking stop and all of them started to eat. Shen Wei  saw a small portion of stain beside Yunlan's  cheek. He wipe it with a napkin making Yunlan smile. As he suddenly  kiss him, "Thanks Xiao Wei!"

    Suddenly  a loud cluttered of chopsticks  startled them, "I lost my appetite!" Zhu Hong said and call the waiter to order some beer. "Hong! You might get drunk!" Guo worriedly said. "Let it be! I just want to drink!"

    Within an hour, a drunk  Zhu  Hong was singing about her heart breaks on the stage. Shen Wei  is not quite happy hearing that song is directing to Yunlan whose sweating while drinking. "Don't  worry! Hong is always like that!" Said Da quing  to Shen Wei. And suddenly  whispered  to Cong Bo to call his boyfriend.

    Yunlan was surprised  Zhu Hong have  a boyfriend. But as the man came he was shocked it was his long time crushed  Sang. Well Sang and him was  once an item but when Sang propose to him. Yunlan is not ready and rejected him. Eversince then Sang won't  get his call and avoiding him and his friends, but now..... His the current boyfriend of Zhu Hong.

    Shen Wei  notice the shocked expression  of his wife. Yunlan almost whispered  Sang's name. But he stop as he remember  his husband looking at his every movement.  He tried to compose himself and tried to greet Sang. But the man just brushed  him off and get Zhu  Hong, "We better leave! She's  all wasted!" He told to Cong Bo and gave Yunlan a cold  gaze.

    "Wait?!" Shen Wei  hold his wrist, "No one glared at my wife! Who are you to him?!" Shen Wei wanted to tear  apart the man infront  of him. "Why don't  you ask Yunlan! I'm his first boyfriend  who propose to him but rejected! But you? What did you give to Yunlan that he said yes to you?!" Your just a blant, stotic guy!" Shen Wei  want to punch him but Yunlan stop him. "Your lucky my wife is here!" Said Shen Wei  as he took Yunlan's  arms and left.

    "Xiao Wei! Wait! Your hurting me!" Shen Wei  suddenly  stop. "Look I gave in to your  conditions to stay at yours  father house for a while, meet your friends and........" Shen Wei  can't  say the last making him blushed.  "That I will be on the top until where here at the upper world." Yunlan suddenly  hugged  him. "Do you want to start now?!" While doing his puppy eyes.

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