Dispose of The Wife

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    Yi Peng made a plan to take out Yunlan. In the party of his daughters. There  will be a tragic accident.

    "And this accident  will dispose of the wife!" Said Yi Peng to his men.  When the party start Shen Wei  introduce his little  angel. Every one clapped  and as he introduce his wife. Yunlan came forward.

    Yi Peng's eyes went wide seeing the man of his dream. "Why did he become a man?!!!" He whispered  to his men. "Well sir Yunlan is real guy! He was only turned into a woman to give birth to a child!" Said An Bai. Yi Peng now regret in commanding his men to get rid of Yunlan but now he tried to signal one of the assassins  to stop the killing.

   Yezun whose at the side of the family saw something  shining  and that aim for Yunlan. "Dock! Yunlan!" He shout. While  running toward him. All look at Yezun when suddenly  something struck at Yunlan. And faint on the stage.

   Everyone scream and all panick to run. Shen Wei caught Yunlan before he fall on the ground. "Ah Lan!" Scream Shen Wei while Xin ci and Da quing  came to the stage to get the kids out. "FIND THE ASSASSINS! NOW!!!" Roar Shen Wei  to his guards.

    General Chu escorted the royal family toward their room while Dr. Sheng, Dr. Ming with the nurse run toward their room. "SAVE MY WIFE!" Cried Shen Wei.  The doctors placed  Yunlan on the stretcher  and pushed  him toward the ER. "Didi! Take care of them! I want to capture who wants to kill my wife!" He shout.  Yezun nod and got scared. He never seen his gege like that.

   "CLOSE ALL THE GATES! NO ONE CAN COME OUT WITHOUT MY WORDS! !!" He shout to his men. All the guards  close the gate. Making the assassins and Yi Peng stock in the castle with  no one to run.

    General Chu saw the suspicious  men and ran after them. Yi  Peng and his subordinates on the other hand  sweat when Shen Wei  pointed his spear  on them. When his bribing one of the guards to let them out. "You!!!" He shout.  Yi Peng bow, "My lord we are sorry! We just got frighten on what happened!"

    But Shen Wei  never  believed  them, he ordered  his guards to take them away for questioning. On the other hand General Chu have a fight  with the assassins  one of them he had killed while the two were caught while escaping.

    Yunlan in the ER suddenly  mumble Shen Wei's  name. The doctor order one of the nurses to call Shen Wei. Shen Wei  dashed  quickly hearing his wife calls for him. The doctors have already taken off the arrow  that struck his heart.

   Yunlan hold Shen Wei's  trembling hands. "Ah Lan! Please don't  leave me!" And kissed  his hand. Yunlan suddenly  smile, "What are you talking about? I would  never leave you!" But then he close his eyes. "AH LAN!!!! DON'T  LEAVE ME!!!" Cried Shen Wei.  And accidentally  shake him.

   "My lord! Stop shaking your wife! His just resting after the operation!" Shen Wei  suddenly  apologized. And laid the dizzy  Yunlan on the bed. "My lord we have a problem! The arrow that struck  your wife's  heart have a curse! That's  the medusa arrow his heart will turn into stone and he will forget the one he loves the most. But if he remember his love. His heart will ache like piercing him with thousand of needles."

    Shen Wei  was shocked,  "Dr. Sheng please cure my wife!" Pleaded Shen Wei.  "We can only cure him if we get the rainbow lily who owns by the dreaded beast name Taotei! That lives in the deep forest! If we get that we can cure him. Made him eat that lily and he will be cure.

    But for now after he wakes up he will forget about you and your daughters! His mind will rewind  again before he met you!" Mr. Zhao hold Shen Wei's  shoulder.  To assure him that his not the only one dealing with this problem.

    When General Chu suddenly  emerge,  "My lord! Me and my men will find that beast lair! And will take back that lily for your wife!" Shen Wei  thank  him and Chu left hurriedly  with his men.

   "Meanwhile let your wife  stay here for some treatment. Mr. Zhao can you accompany your son here for a while and lied to him that his in the hospital for treatment of a certain virus, so he won't  suspect of anything?"  Said Dr. Sheng. "Don't  worry doctor I will not leave my son side!" Said Mr. Zhao.

    "Dr. Sheng can I accompanied Dad? I promise I won't  tell him who I was! As long  I'm with him! I will wear a face mask if you like? So he won't revognize me!" Both Mr. Zhao and Dr. Sheng look at one another.

    Meanwhile  General Chu is in hot pursue of the beast with his few men. "Listen to my command! If you find the beast don't  engage it just give us the signal and wait for us! We didn't  know what kind of power the beast have? Understood?!" All of his men shout, "Yes sir!" And left hurriedly.

    While in the dungeon Shen Wei  can't  stop whipping the two assassins as they won't  talk. But they forgot Shen Wei  can read their minds. Suddenly  he hold one of the assassins  mind and torture him to reveal the real culprit as he saw who he is. He can't  help to be furious and went to another cell.

    There he command his men to torture Yi Peng to death. Yi Peng pleaded for his life and his men but Shen Wei  never heard his words and begin the punishment.  He also command to his other soldiers  to capture all of  his people and be their slaves. Yi Peng  cried for mercy but Shen Wei  shrugged  him off. "This is the price for what you've done to my wife!" And left.

    In the private room, Yunlan cute brown  eyes suddenly  open, "Xiao Wei? Xiao Wei  where are you? Wait? Whose Xiao Wei?!" He told himself.


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