You Make My Heart Beat Fast

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     "Beautiful!" Said Yunlan looking at Shen Wei  who was shocked  on what happened.

    Without anyword he started to kiss his pink, soft lips. Shen Wei  who misses his Yunlan can't  stop himself  from replying the kiss. But that triggers his memories  that kept pouring in. "Xiao.....Wei!" He kissed again, "Your my Xiao.....Wei!!!" As they continue to kissed and snuggle to one another.

    Suddenly  Yunlan scream his heart is aching and he fall down on the fall crouching like his heart about to burst out of his chest. Shen Wei  panic and called the doctors and nurse. "Sorry my lord you  should not be here anymore!" Dr. Ming pushed him out of the room. While they brought back Yunlan on the bed screaming his heart is aching.

    They gave him a sedative, oxygen and IV. As he calmed down and about to sleep, "Xiao.....Wei.... my ....." And close his eyes. Shen Wei  cried looking by the window. He can never  or see Yunlan or his heart will ache again.

    Mr. Zhao and Yezun came , "What happened?!" His didi ask. He kiss and remember  me!" And cried to his didi's  arms. "When will General Chu come back with the antidote.

   Meanwhile  General Chu and his men kept fighting the beast. Almost his men was wounded or eaten by the beast.  General Chu slice it's horns it howl in pain. "This human is determined  to hunt me! Why?!!!" The beast tried to retriet because of many wounds. When suddenly  out of nowhere one of Chu's  men Wang Lei slice the flower from the beast back. But it cost his life when the best struck his chest and claws went through his heart.

    "No!!!" Shout General Chu and ran toward him. But before Wang Lei died the beast saw the reason why they're  after him the flower on his back and Yunlan whose laying soundly on the hospital bed. "You'll pay for cutting my horn!" And disappeared  in the dark forest.

    General Chu got the flower they need but he lost lot of his men. "Sir what we gonna do to our dead comrade?" Ask one of his men. "We must go back to give this flower to our lord! Gather all the wounded they will be transport back immediately.  While the other will guard  the dead so we can retrieve them  back." And made a portal to go back to their kingdom.

    Unknown  to them the beast watch from afar and memories  where they're  going.

    In the meantime General Chu was welcome as a hero with his men for getting the flower and gave it quickly to the doctors to made it as a medicine for their madam. Shen Wei  reward General Chu and his men for retrieving  the flower.

   Next day the flower  was given to Yunlan so they waited for it to work. Shen Wei  hold Yunlan's  hand tightly while Mr. Zhao with Weilyn and the others are waiting for the miracle to happen. Shen Wei  was holding his breath when Yunlan open his eyes and recognize his beloved husband.

    Everyone cheered and shout happily.  Shen Wei  hold Yunlan tightly in his arms and kiss him passionately.   In an a minute Yunlan take Weilyn and his twins into his arms and give rain of kisses on them making all giggle. Because of his goaty beared.

    "Your mother have came back to us!"
A party was brought to the kingdom and everyone celebrate. General Chu was not quite happy  in the celebration. He lost a lot of men because of that flower. And that creature is still out there. He can't  believe  such a creature exist.  He want to take revenge on that one for killing his men.

    Yezun gave him a drink, "What are you thinking? Why are you not celebrating  with us?" He ask. "Do you know what kind of creature we tackle before we gotten that flower? Many of my men lost their life! I'm just worried he might come here because we bother him with his fiest and took his flower!" As he look back at the  loving couple whose dancing happily  at the hall.

   In the meantime  the creature came to their kingdom tracking the smell of his flower. He want to meet the person whose his flower have given his second life. The creature suddenly  turned into a beautiful man.

    Walking among Shen Wei's people disappearing  into the crowds. Where all people going inside the castle to celebrate that their lord's wife have recovered. That put a smile in the beast face.

    When he saw Yunlan dancing with Shen Wei.  "My flower! You are hear! I will take what was mine from the beginning. " He said to himself. General Chu whose looking from a distance saw a looking suspicious  beautiful man.

   And his looking at the couples  whose dancing at the dance floor. But his intense direction is to Yunlan and Shen Wei. Making General suspicious. On the other hand,  "I'm a bit thirsty!" Yunlan said to his husband. "Wait! Just right here I will give you a drink.

    When Yunlan was waiting, suddenly  a beautiful  man pulled Yunlan to the dance floor and dance with him. Yunlan tried to struggle  from his hold when he suddenly  whispered  something  in his ears.

    General Chu suddenly  ran toward the  crowded people seeing a stranger pulled Yunlan back into the dance floor and disappeared with him. "SHUT ALL THE DOOR!!!" He shout to all of his men.

   Shen Wei  just came back. Just to see Yunlan is missing, "Ah Lan?!" General Chu ran toward him and told him what happened.   They tried tp search everywhere  to find Yunlan.

   Outside the castle Yezun is with Da quing  on a date strolling around the area. When they saw a man carrying Yunlan. "Hey! You stop!" Shout Yezun as he draw his sword. "Da quing! Get Yunlan quickly.

   But as Da quing  about to get Yunlan away from him. The man turned into a beast and snarled at Da quing.  Da quing  have no time to evade his claw as he was thrown on the floor. Yezun swing his sword and hit the beast on his arm  dropping  Yunlan accidentally  and face Yezun.



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