Cocoon In Your Embrace

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     In the mall, where ever Shen Wei  went with Yunlan everyone's  looking at them wierdly making Shen Wei  conscious.

    Well it's  because  Yunlan came bouncing and clinging  to him without any brassiere.  His chest kept bouncing while Shen Wei  almost got nose bleed when that big chest is pressing unto him.

    "Ah Lan! Stop that!" Said Shen Wei.  "What?!" Yunlan look at him innocently. When a group of guys looking directly  at Yunlan. "What a hot chick?!"  Shen Wei  covered him up. And glared at the men, who runs away.
Yunlan is having fun having Shen Wei's  attention and always near to him. His masculine, strawberry  scent is intoxicating  him and want to his embrace forever.

    But as they get in the lingerie section,  the sales lady ask what size she is. Shen Wei  became red, "I....I don't  know?" The sales lady laugh. "Not you sir but the Miss?" Yunlan just look at her puzzled.
    Within a minute the sales lady gave Yunlan the lingers he needed. But call for Shen Wei to  help him inside the changing room. First Shen Wei  was a bit shy for all there were women changing luckily they each have a cubicle. But when he open Yunlan's room, she's still bare naked. Shen Wei  burst blood on his nose seeing his wife. "Hey! Aren't  you gonna help me into this?" An evil smirk was upon Yunlan's  face while holding the lingerie.

     Shen Wei  had no choice but to help him up. Feeling that smooth, flawless skin upon his fingers making Shen Wei  hot underneath.  But the most hard part when Yunlan dress up and making Shen Wei  look up to his sexy lingerie  dress.  His big chest want to burst on that brassiere and underneath  it almost nothing covering it up.

    "How did I look?" Yunlan made a sexy post and give him a flying kiss. Making Shen Wei  knock down and faint. "Miss! My husband help me!" Shout Yunlan.

    Within a minute they're  in the clinic of the mall, "I'm sorry! That I faint!" Sweat Shen Wei. Yunlan laugh at what happened.  " I know now your weakness! Honey....." Pressing himself to him and making his cute puppy  face.
"Not here Ah Lan!" Shen Wei  trying to prevent  him for he might  faint again.

    When they're  eating  Yunlan can't  help to tease his husband hugging or pressing his body unto him. Shen Wei  trying to pushed  Yunlan away from him. Making everyone eating there notice on the wierd couple.

    "What a cute girl! Too bad the guy didn't  want him?" Said a group of guys. Shen Wei  excuse himself  to Yunlan for a while because his having a nosebleed because of him. Uknown to him when he left those  guys went beside Yunlan.
"Hey! Cutey come play with us and dropped  that guy!" A big guy said.

    "Sorry boys! I'm already married to him! And his much cuter than any of you all!" One of the guy gripped  his wrist. "Hey!" Yunlan punched  him in the face. But that man's face is made of steel, "Ouch!" Yunlan whinned. The boys laugh. Yunlan forgot he have a girl's  hand and not a guy's  fist.

   "What a feisty girl! Were gonna have fun with her!" And lift him up easily, Yunlan tried to fight the guy when  Shen Wei  came. "You touched  my wife!" Shen Wei's  spear suddenly appeared.  Making the men shocked. "He got a weapon!" Said the other guy. "So what he is just a small guy! Get him!"

    Within a minute Shen Wei  finished  them all. The boys stumble and fall with wounds and bruises. Plus the security  guards came and pick them up for obstruction of peace and crime against women.  "My hero!" Yunlan want to shout to Shen Wei  but he hugged him instead.

    "Are you hurt?!" Shen Wei  look at his wrist. Yunlan suddenly  think, "Yes! That man gripped  me tightly!"  Shen Wei quickly kiss his wrist. "Is it still hurt?" Yunlan nod, "How about here!" He pointed to his lips, making Shen Wei  red because the other guards are still there. He cough a little  and peck Yunlan on the lips. But Yunlan whinned. "That's  not enough!" Making the guards chuckled and all look the other way.

    "Ah Lan! Maybe we can do that  when we go home!" But Yunlan still whinned. So Shen Wei  have no choice but to kiss his wife infront of the guards.

     When they finished  eating they went to shop some dress for him. Yunlan didn't  want to dress up with a girl's clothes. But Shen Wei  still insist it. Wearing men's  clothes making him more attracted to unwanted eyes. That's  why Shen Wei  won't  let that happen. 

    In the fitting room the sales lady was suppose to help Yunlan but Shen Wei  insist he help him. He didn't  want anyone touching his Ah Lan.  But as he close the door the half naked Yunlan suddenly  jump at him. "Ah Lan! What are you doing?!" Yunlan suddenly  gave him a hungry kiss while clinging  to him.

    "I told you not here! The sales lady is just outside. But the latter won't  hear him and started unbuttoning  his his polo shirt while his other hand went inside his trouser. Shen Wei  almost moan loud when Yunlan start stroking his prize. Shen Wei  have no choice but retaliate  by kissing him as well and lifting him up. They start pinning each other at the wall of the cubicle with a bang when Yunlan scream for more.

    The saleslady was outside when she heard something hit on the wooden wall and  moan of a woman. "Sir? Mam?" She knocked  at the door. "Are you two alright in there?" Shen Wei  hurriedly  made a portal and pulled Yunlan to him. When the sales lady open the door the two are gone.

    In a minute they landed on their bed. Well Yunlan pinned  his husband on the bed and attacking him with sweet kisses. When he suddenly thrusted  his already wet hole on Shen Wei's prize and scream.

    Outside of the room, Mr. Zhao was sitting on his rocking chair, cradling Weilyn to sleep. When he heard Yunlan scream. He almost dropped  the sleeping Weilyn in his arms. "Those two! I'm gonna have a heart attack!" He almost shout. But he remember  Weilyn sleeping in his arms. And shut his mouth, after this he will scold the two of being so loud.



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