Their New Home

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    Yunlan was a bit shocked on his new house, "What can you say?" Shen Wei  ask.

    Their new house is a magnificent castle but only in the middle of a dark forest. Making Yunlan a bit nervous.  And all the servants all wearing dark robe. "Wellcome my Lord and Madame!" All the servants said. The prime minister are also wearing a black clothes making the kingdom a bit  gloomy.

   "Wow! Here's  my beautiful  sister in law!" Yezun about to kiss Yunlan when Shen Wei  spears blocked  him. "Didi! His mine! Get your own!" That made Yezun pout. Yunlan just smile at Yezun whose so immaculate  on his white robe. "Why his the only white robe here?!" Whispered  Yunlan to himelf. But his words pass to his husband who is now connected with him.

    "Because his a prince that's  why his white! While my robe is black because I'm the Lord here!" Yunlan was shocked,  "You can read my mind now?!" Shen Wei  nod, "Yes! Where married and made love to one another! Your my other half! That's  why ...

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    "Because his a prince that's  why his white! While my robe is black because I'm the Lord here!" Yunlan was shocked,  "You can read my mind now?!" Shen Wei  nod, "Yes! Where married and made love to one another! Your my other half! That's  why I'm connected to you now!" But that made Yunlan think of something naughty and seducing his husband.

   Making Shen Wei  blushed, "Ah Lan! Not that! My didi is also connected  to me!"  He suddenly  saw Yezun smirking. "Didi! Stop reading my mind!" That made Yezun pout again, "Kill joy!" He told himself. "Block your mind reading to mine from now on!" He command.

   When they reach the room Yunlan  about to step in when Shen Wei  lift him up. "No wife of mine should step on our room first not being lift by me!" And kissed Yunlan and brought him to their room. Yunlan giggle happily.
The minister and Yezun both agree that  Shen Wei  pick the right wife for him.

    But in a few days when Yunlan bumped  had shown. He kept on whinning  he became fat and crying.  Shen Wei  tried to make him happy by giving  him gifts, foods, clothes and even entertaining. But all he did is eat and cried. "What's  wrong Ah Lan?! Tell me?!" Shen Wei  comfort his wife but still he can't  stop crying with little  things.

    Until he whispered  something  to Shen Wei.  Shen Wei  blushed,  "No way!!!" But Yunlan pleaded him.

    Within a minute all the color of the kingdom became pink, as well all the people there

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    Within a minute all the color of the kingdom became pink, as well all the people there.  Shen Wei  entertaining his wife with a song using a karaoke t.v.  While playing a guitar.  Yezun and the minister know  Shen Wei  doesn't  sing  and is off key. But to Yunlan Shen Wei's voice is like an angel. Making him happily  clapped  while eating his favorite fruit, coconut.

    "Brother in law look! My husband sing like an angel!" Shout Yunlan. All his subordinates sweat even Yezun. "Yes sister in law my gege is an angel." While poor Shen Wei  is so red from singing a song as he know he is off key and didn't  know how to sing. But just to make his wife happy he will do anything.

    "I hope no one came to see my gege looking like that?!" Said Yezun. But suddenly  general Chu came to report on something with Yunlan's  father and Da quing and was shocked seeing the kingdom in pink as well his lord whose singing  non stop. "WHAT IS HAPPENING?!!!" He shout.

   Making Yunlan startled and that make him cry again. Shen Wei  was enrage as his spear  appeared  again and pointed to general Chu who sweat.

    Within a minute general Chu is dancing with Da quing, the minister and Yezun to please Yunlan while Shen Wei singing  non stop. Xin ci sweat, "Son! Maybe you should stop it now, your husband is very tired." Xin ci whispered  to Yunlan. "But Dad! Shen Wei  sing beautifully  like an angel! Do you want your grandchild to cry again?!" While Yunlan pointing to his tummy. Xin ci sweat he didn't  want Yunlan to cry again. It will be unbearable in his ears.

    In a couple of hours  all are exhausted. "I should  have fight an enemy! Instead of this!" As general  Chu laid flat on the floor. "This is all your fault didi!" Said Shen Wei.  "Yes! You gave to my friend that potion! And look what you did!" Shout Da quing. "Wait who are you again?!" Ask Yezun. Da quing  arched  a brow,  "I'm leaving!" When  he was about to stand, Yezun gripped  his wrist I was only kidding!"

    Yunlan on the other hand was so happy Shen Wei his beloved husband gave to his request. He suddenly  pulled him up and gave a steamy kiss. "I love Xiao Wei!!! A million times!!!" Shen Wei  blushed  for Yunlan shouting it to all the people to hear. "Ah Lan! Not here!" He shyly said. Xin ci chuckled seeing his son for the first time being sweet to his husband.

    But still Yunlan cling to his neck and start kissing him non stop. Shen Wei  giggle in his kiss. "Ah Lan  maybe we should do it in our room?" And lift him up and walk toward their room. At last they went to their room.

    "We can relax now  and go back where we came from. " But before dispersing  Yezun caught  a kitty cat and brought him in his room.

 " But before dispersing  Yezun caught  a kitty cat and brought him in his room

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   Inside Shen Wei  and Yunlan's  room. Yunlan tried to top his husband. can he? His stomach quite big and he roll off to Shen Wei  making him a bit upset. Shen Wei tried to comfort his wife. "Easy for you to say! You don't  have a water melon inside your stomach!" He cried again. Shen Wei  have enough, he shut his wife mouth by his lips.

    Soon Yunlan forgot what's his crying about and was laid unto the bed. Shen Wei  start undressing them up and took a lubricant.  "Let me do it!" Said Yunlan. But he can't  sit up, "Ah Lan! Let me do it!" After he finished  he position him off and thrusted upon him. Yunlan moan as he easily hit the soft spot and rock some more.

    Yunlan scream for more as Shen Wei  burst inside of him. Shen Wei  kissed  Yunlan's  legs as he contine to move again. Yunlan was in cloud nine.....when suddenly  something  broke inside of him. The water of the placenta  have broken. Shen Wei  pulled himself up. When Yunlan scream the baby is coming!!!"



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