Hold On

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writing fanfiction is actually 50% writing and %50 skimming your past chapters to see what happened and what day of the week it is

okay turns out i didn't write the day so just assume the date happened on saturday and then catra came home and uhh the thing happened

also my first fanfic is technically a songfic i dont know what to feel. this fic was slightly based on the song above. 

as always, if you see any inconsistency or mistakes let me know so i can fix it

Trigger Warning: Mentions of what happened in the last chapter, that feeling when ur friend tries to commit suicide, medical inaccuracies(is that a tw?)

Adora's POV

I came home from the date feeling good. We had an amazing time. I'm so happy I got to spend time with her.

I hope we can do it again sometime.

I should text her that.

I texted her that I had fun. We texted a bit and she came out as sapphic!

Well she didn't specify, but she likes girls and that's all that matters, because it mean I have a shot!

I screamed a bit silently. Oh yeah I should respond. I came out to her as well.

This is the best thing ever.

I watched a few YouTube videos until something inexplicable stopped me.

I had a sudden weird feeling. I couldn't explain it, but it felt like the world was holding its breath.

Moments passed. The feeling stayed.

I was about to ignore it when the phone rang.

Who could it be?


It was weird for her to call without texting beforehand to make sure I was free.

This weirdness, coupled with the feeling from earlier, was starting to make me anxious.

I answered the call.

"...hey... I fucked up..."


I heard a small sob "I need help"

oh no. what happened? Is she okay? Of course not did that sound okay to you?

Okay Adora, calm down. She needs you.


I heard another sob through the phone.

"What happened? What did you mean by help? What do you need?"

I heard a small laugh this time. It wasn't a happy one

"I'm uhh... not... uh can you just call an ambulance? I'd do it but I can't dial a number, my hands are shaking too much"

"Catra what? What's happening?"

"I promise I'll explain later, just, please call an ambulance to my house and tell them I can't open the door?" she said that last one as if posing a question, her voice shaking slightly.

"Y-yeah, okay. Just hang on"

I had to hang up on her, but I dialed 911 as fast as I could.

I explained to them all I knew while trying to stop myself from crying. It went by in a blur, all I remember is them calming me down and promising they'd send an ambulance to her house.

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