Let's Dig In Their World

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Maya, 17 years old, well her age in Korea would 18 but anyway.
And jungkook, who is well 19 years old.

You know korean and international age is a whole lot confusion. But they are from the same grade.
Well, Maya currently lives in Miami, florida, she has lived in many countries before because of dad's transfer, knows many language except Korean, she never thought she would return , is quite genius and...
Is phychic also, she possess the power of telekinesis and telepathy, her dad being a renowned neurophychiatrist helped her cope up with the world. Its wasn't a elsa story, here... The dad actually helped her.

Maya P/V...

Now, my dad decided to practise his work in South Korea for few years, so I'll be comfortable and he would operate his mental health research and whatever Centre from here.

I really love him, he always supports me and we pretty much get along. I was sent in a liberal arts school because I plan to enjoy my last few years of schooling and then I'll come back to florida to study psychology and become another one like him.

Jungkook P/V

It has been exactly 5 hours since social media is flooded with articles about me, they want me to join school back, well everyone is working to stabalize the situation. But I pretty much know, I have to be regular now, there some law about it. I don't get it, my life, my education whatever I choose , moreover what's the point of studying something I am never gonna use in my career as idol or even a singer. It's just for them to shout on and show their hypocricy.

Maya p/v

"Hypocrites.." I decided to see about Korea to check whether, and other things when I saw people targeting some underage celebrity for not attending school, well as a matter of fact, why does that matter to them. Its just to show that they are thoughful and shit, Ahh" leave it, I'll just continue pack" I thought and continued packing..
I finished my packing 2 days ago it was just the last minute packing of headphones, earpods, toiletteries, sketch book etc.
Well I use different music devices, different times.

I have to catch flight in 3 hours.
I gotta rush.

Jungkook on his side...

They have to rush and solve the situation...

Please support the story I'll post both story parallely.
Please comment your oppions whatsoever its very precious for me.

Please comment your name, I wanna remember you all. As much i cn.

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