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Maya has grown up and is neuropsychiatric and an excellent criminologist. She lives alone in her Florida apartment, well with her babes maybe. well, if you don't know babes is the name of ai system set in her house, she never returned Korea after that only her family visited her.

Maya wakes up from her bed, stretching her arm as she gets out of the bed and puts on a small top nearby, wears her sleeper and gets out of the room.

Maya- good morning babes.

The AI system replies..
Babes- good morning ma'am.

Maya- do I have any missed calls.

Babes-yes ma'am, 27 calls from Jung woo.

Maya chocked on the glass water she was drinking.

Maya- why has he called so many times, and are they more.

Babes- 21 calls from ah reum, 7 calls from Carson, 5 calls from dad and uncle Hong and 2 calls from in ha aunt.

Maya- check the news, search word Maya.

Babes- checking... Ma'am, you are trending.

Maya- the fuck!!! Call Jung woo.

7 hours before... (story to what happened)

It's a green room,

Assistant - sir we are ready please come to the shooting studio.

BTS stands, everyone check their dress and go to the studio.

Host - good morning Korea, today we are having an interview with the first boy group of Korea to reach the top of the billboards. With their song dynamite.

Bts- good morning, we are bts.

Host- namjoon we would like to ask, where do you get your inspiration.

Namjoon- dynamite is a simple song about daily life so, it was easy and inspiration was our surroundings.

Host - what about other songs.

Namjoon- it's normally love for many times. and sometimes a lot of research

Host- love? Uhhhhhh!

Host- so nowadays dating has become common for idols you can share your experiences.
Let's ask the maknae.. jungkook? .

Jimin- he has never dated but had a first love.

He gets shy but speaks anyway
Jungkook- I actually had one. I met her 7 years ago when I went back to school as high school senior, she was charming, popular righteous, sassy. She was excellent in everything she did, she even fought against people to save lives in our school.

Host- I remember, there was something like this 7 years ago. Some senior saved lives, I didn't knew you personally knew her.

Jungkook- well, she was a girl even an atheist would pray for.
(jungkook smiles and blushes) I really liked her, I suppose she did also. But I never met her after the terrorism scene. I tried to find her but I got to know she isn't even in Korea. Though I knew her for short, I could never forget her.

Host- what will you do if you meet her again.

Jungkook - I will ask her out.

Host- can we know her name, if it's okay.

Jungkook- she quite famous, if anyone actually knows her please help. Her name is MAYA.

Jungwoo- so, you remember calling me now, you ungrateful bitch.

Maya- why am I trending.. (she ask while drinking coke)

Jungwoo- just some old incident came up, its very normal for you to go viral or trending. don't worry it will die down soon.

Maya- I know

Ah reum jumps In the video call.

Ah reum- you promised to be my maid of honor.

Jungwoo- yes, that's the real business. You were gonna be my best man.

Maya- see there is some communication issue. So at the end I'll become the bride of honour. Find someone for the best man.

Jungwoo- seriously. Well I'll do it.

Ah reum- when are you leaving for the airport.

Maya- now its 10 am here, I will leave at 2, my flight is at 4.
I have send you the details.

Jungwoo- I got the info.

Ah rheum-it would be great if I could do wedding shopping with you.

Maya- I had work here, so I was busy, officer si joo is also getting on my head, he asked me to crack south Korean cases from florida.

Jungwoo- wait hold on. What is the apartment filled of.

Maya - nothing.

Jungwoo- babes, rotate the camera and show me the inside of the house.

Maya- wait.

But it was too late, babes have already rotated the camera.

Jungwoo- wow

Ah rheum-what are these.

Jungwoo- I really hoped your house had bias and all. But wherever my eyes reach, I can only see avengers merchandise.
Thor's hammer, why is it so big.

Maya- first its Mjolnir, don't dream about it you can't pick it up, you ain't worthy.

Maya- I bought everything in the various auction. They are the very props they used.

Jungwoo- don't bring them here, I'll throw them.

Maya- I don't want your filthy hands on them. You nutjob

Jungwoog- don't tell me, when last time you were crying on the call with me, which you said was because you you broke up after a movie date. Was a lie. And you were crying because you saw endgame and Tony stark died.

Maya- not only Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, and vision also died, I do like 3 of them. I will miss them.

Jungwoo- date?

Maya- see you nag too much so I lied.
I never dated anyone.

Jungwoo- Tom, Chris?

Maya- they are actors playing roles in avengers. Tom Holland is Peter Parker, spiderman and there 3 Chris in the franchise, take 3 of them.

Jungwoo- this bitch, I thought I was gonna meet the guy who managed to date you.

Maya- bye, I néed to get ready.

Jungwoo- you come here. Then I'll see you.

Maya cuts the call and wiggles her fingers and gets hold of the hammer.

Maya- what a piece of Beauty.
She smiles and puts the hammer on the table and goes to the washroom to get ready.

While Jung woo...
So I think we should finally let jungkook meet maya.

Ah rheum-you should have done it before, that guy will go crazy soon out of frustration.

Jungwoo- I didn't know she was single. he will be my best man.

Ah reum- good idea. It will be so exciting.

Jungwoo calls...

Jungkook- hello!

Jungwoo - be my best man.

Jungkook- I won't, I'll be a simple guest who came to eat food.

Jungwoo - Maya is the maid of honor.

Jungkook- when do I have to come?

Jungwoo - come day after tomorrow, Maya will be coming late night tomorrow.

Jungkook - the wedding is the day after tomorrow right.

Jungwoo - yes.

Jungkook- I will come as fast I can.
I hope you are liking it.

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