Ch-21 Graduation

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graduation, finally, i'll graduate and fly to Florida.

principal- Maya you are gonna give the speech as the student representative.

Maya- wait? what!? why am I being told this now?

principal- we didn't want to stress you when you were in the hospital.

Maya- like I am very happy getting to know that I am gonna give the speech just 30 mins before the speech.

ah reum- it's actually 15 mins.

Maya- great. I'll manage. btw whose idea was it to do me this huge favor.

ah reum- it was jungwoo.

she pointed out jungwoo who was trying to slip away.

boy1- Maya, some flower delivery boy left flowers for your name.

Maya- its lilies.

boy1- it doesn't have a name on it.

Maya- it's okay. I know who it is. Btw, who all are not gonna attend the graduation.

ah reum- there are 3 people. hui kyeong, jisoo and ... jungkook.

Maya- oh well. i'll give the speech on the spot, so don't worry.


anchor- now I would like to call upon the stage Maya lee, academic topper, and this year's student representative.

Maya walks on the stage everybody starts to cheer as she stands in front of the podium and taps the mic twice bows to the people sitting on the stage and starts the speech.

"Good evening everyone, well there is no need to introduce me, you all know who I am. I became famous in the school for many things I did. the school committee incident. I really apologize to the teachers for rude behavior. the bullying incident, the basketball match, and the terrorism incident.

(the teachers are having smiles and students are listening with concentration)

well all the things I did, I suppose i'll be a legend in this school. many people think I am rude but you know what it really is. I am not rude. I simply have the guts to say what others only think. if someone is wrong and is being a serious bully, then also you shouldn't break someone's heart. they only have one, break their bones they have plenty of those.

(the audience starts laughing.)

and if you yourself are the bully, then you should really consider carrying a plant around for the air you have wasted. jealousy, revenge. I beg you don't get involved in those emotions even if they are natural for any human. it will only destroy your high school years and maybe many other's schooling years too.

one advice I give to anyone. its a fact anywhere you go. rumors are carried by a hater, spread by a fool, and enjoyed by idiots. I was not in this school long enough. but I enjoyed all the genres here. I would like to thank all my friends and teachers. congratulations to everyone for their graduation and all the best to those who think, their life become easier.

thank you."

(the audience clapped ) 

as Maya finished her speech the chairman gave her a certificate and she signed it . they passed her flowers and the picture was being clicked

Chairman- Maya lee, I won't be able to forgive you, you had style even in the speech of graduation. 

Maya- sir, I am a pretty remarkable person.

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