Ch-15 Fake Love

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jungwoo- Maya, the boy hui kyeong has returned.

Maya- seriously I really expected my last 2 months in this school to go well. but naah, God doesn't want it. my senior year has more stress from these people than my studies.

he could bully you before because I wasn't there, now let him come, ill split every single nucleus of every single cell in his body. trust me."

jungwoo- he is the freakin chaebol's son

Maya- he still got suspended.

jungwoo- that's because the education inquiry committee stepped in.

Maya- even better, I always have plan B anyway.

jungwoo- but-

Maya- jungwoo, before doing all this shit. I don't trust myself and do it. I trust you because you always say I am trustworthy and you trust me. I am reckless but always right.

jungwoo- he was homeschooled, he must have returned to take revenge. his parents support him and treasure him, his dad didn't say him a thing when he got into trouble.

Maya- if he is a treasure, we should better bury him

she passes him a smile.

jungkook who was eavesdropping but didn't mean it of course.jumped in the conversation.

jungkook- I support.

because I am a celebrity I can get into trouble but i still support you."

Maya was surprised as he decided to break the awkwardness between them by talking first.

Maya- why not. more the merrier.

jungwoo- you always used to say more the messer, you changed, you gotta soft side.

Maya- looking at jungkook scares jungwoo by showing him wiggling fingers.

but to break this silence jisoo storms towards her


"you know what, I really treasure the time I am not with you," said Maya.

jisoo- why do you hate me so much...(she asks in a sweet tone seeing jungkook beside me)

( maya understood she is doing so, to make jungkook have a good image of her but she is maya, she is born savage)

Maya- see babes, I do not hate you but I'll unplug your life support to charge my phone.

Jungkook chokes on air. But tries his best so one can see it.

Jisoo- I lost my role in the movie because of you, I would have debuted as a actor before debuting as a trainee.

Maya- that's bad, you are really good at acting.

See, you hate me, but follow my every move, let's face it you are my fan."

Jisoo- I really don't hate you, why don't you understand.

Maya- I know, I am so likable that no one can hate me. Ah. I would give you a advice. I wouldnt be fake in front of someone I love, the love will also be a Fake Love.

Jisoo- just go to hell.
(she was walking toward her seat when)

Maya- I would. I even have a special place in hell reserved just for me, that's called the Throne. Visit me sometime there.

The boys started mocking jisoo and gave her bottles of cold water and saying, you should apply it, you must have a severe burn.

Maya p/v

Even though I could see how much of a bitch jisoo is. Her friend Juliana always felt guilty and had thoughts of guilt whenever i read her mind.

Maya- she will be fine (I thought to myself)

PE period...
every one changed into P. E clothes and went to the ground.

Author's view...

The boys were playing basketball with jungkook, when a group of girls went to join them but...

Jungkook- let's play together. Why not.

Boy 1 -no, don't. You wouldn't manage to win against us.

Boy 2 - you won't be able to play with your hairs.

The others boys started laughing.

But maya fumed into rage. And came towards them.

Maya- is it? lets have a match then. I'll play against 5 of the best basketballers right here with. My. Hairs. Open.
Let's see who manages to win then.

Boy 2- see maya, we know you are rude and arrogant but against best of the 5 players of our batch, is a bit much.

Maya- I challenge you. I would do anything if I lose but you'll do anything I want if I win.

Hui Kyeong steps in.

Jungwoo starts trembling but remembering what maya says. Didn't get scared and stood there.

Hui Kyeong- play against me. If you lose, you sleep with me.

Jungkook clenched his fist but controls his anger.

Maya- challenge accepted...

Maya- my dare I would tell you at the end of the game.

Hui Kyeong - I am fine by that.

Jungkook- I would like to say, you are making your life's biggest mistake you could ever make.

Hui Kyeong- pretty boy, why don't you join her side then.

Jungkook- no I wont, I'll enjoy as you lose.

And he walks away taking Jungwoo with him and the basketball court is cleared, everyone stands anticipated surrounding the court.

Jungkook p/v
I am nervous, but I trust her, even if she has a issue, she will use her super power right?
I shouldnt show her I am nervous, she gets her confidence from the people who trust her.

I saw ah reum come towards me

Ah reum- I came to see her match. I really support her. I am gonna record her.

Jungkook- oh well, okay.

I know she isn't here for maya, she is here for Jungwoo and is telling me this to catch jungwoo's attention but anyways, maya is there.

I turned to see maya. Who pulled her rubber, her black and blue hairs fall down on her neck, she looked pretty.
5 build up men against a girl who is ATLEAST 10 cm shorter than me. To see I have a good hight, you can say she isn't a dwarf and has a moderate height but it's against boys who look like hulk.

But I kept telling myself, our Wanda maximoff can defeat hulk. She can. Right.

I can't let her sleep with a guy.

The match started.
And I became so confident all of a sudden. I am 100% sure it's maya's mind manipulative skills that did it, she smiled at me before the match started.

And the match started.


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