11 - Plans

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(I'm just warning you now, I have absolutely no knowledge about any technology stuff at all, so this is just going to be my best educated guesses, mixed in with stuff from movies and me completely making most of it up)

Ned's P.O.V

I hunched over my laptop, furiously searching for anything that could exonerate Peter "So if you look at the time stamp on the original video, it was taken almost 2 weeks ago, on the 27th of August, at 7:55pm, which means we know that it can't be Peter, because me, him, and MJ were having a Star Wars marathon, but that's not enough to prove him innocent because people will claim we're just making it up to clear his name. We need hard proof. And the best way to get it is by finding out who actually robbed that house, and how the footage was created." I span around on my chair to the computer behind me "And then there's the video that came out yesterday to consider. Obviously, both of these are not a coincidence. Someone's out to get Spider-Man. And it can't just be someone dressed up, because that suit it way too detailed to not be packed with high-grade Stark tech. Plus, if you look at the second video, the angle of the swing compared to the height of the building, cross referenced with Peter's height, weight and strength, means that it would be a virtual impossibility for him to do that. His webs would need to have over 40% more density than usual, and that doesn't even account for-" I glanced up disappointedly to see Aunt May sitting there, clearly not understanding a word I was saying. "So we have to figure out where the videos of Spider-Man are coming from." I summarised.
"Well that's easy. The Daily Bugle."
"But where are they getting them from. I've tried going back as far as I can, but there doesn't seem to be a source material. It just... Appears. It should be from a surveillance camera, or someone's phone or something, but... nothing. I could see where J. Jonah Jameson first got the footage from, but I'd have to have access to his actual computer to do so, and that'll be in the building for the Daily Bugle. We'll never get through the front door, let alone close enough to even glance at his laptop."
For the first time since I'd told her Peter had ran away, May smiled "So what you're saying is that we have to break into the building to sneakily hack into his laptop?"
"That wasn't exactly what - "
"But that would work, wouldn't it?"
I sighed "In theory, if someone could distract J. Jonah Jameson for long enough for me to sneak into his office, I might be able to install a software that will download all the data onto a memory stick, but everyone knows who we are now. They're probably just waiting for us to try something. And they know what we look like."
"But they don't know what Happy looks like."
After a second of processing what she meant, I fumbled through my pockets for the earpiece Happy had given me and jammed it in my ear "Hello? Happy are you there?"
"Yeah," His voice came crackling through "Happy here."
"We have a plan to clear Peter's name, and we're going to need your help..."

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