28 - The Kitten Learns to Roar

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MJ's P.O.V

My head was thumping like a herd of rhinos had just stampeded over it, flecks of blood were blotting my vision, and sharp pains all over my body told me that I hadn't survived the crash completely un-stabbed with glass, but I could see Tidal Wave studying me, an evil smirk on her face, and then she jerked away again.
I glimpsed a mop of brown hair bobbing just above the window sill, that told me Peter was waiting just outside.
Tidal Wave stormed towards Zara "Where is he." She demanded, but Zara just smirked back at her "I will never tell you."
Tidal Wave surged forwards, her hand clasping around Zara's neck and slamming her against the wall "I could kill you in a heartbeat, and I wouldn't even remember your name by tomorrow. You will tell me, and you will tell me now."
Zara choked out "I have spent... So long... So long... Not knowing who I am or what I'm doing here... I haven't had a purpose in my life... Not since -" she gulped "Not since Martha. The least I can do is go out doing something good. I don't fear death, and I don't fear you."
She growled in frustration "Everyone is scared of something. If not for your own life..." She loosened her hold on Zara slightly and pointed towards Lucas, Pippa, Anya, and Zephyr "Then for theirs."
Despite her current predicament, Zara snarled at her "You will not hurt them."
"Oh, and who's going to stop me?"
Zara broke away from her grasp and began shouting, her voice rising with every word "I won't let you hurt my friends if it's the last thing I do. They are good people. They are kind, and welcoming, and a bit strange, but some of the best people this miserable world has ever created. They have been through so much, seen so many horrors, but all of that, everything they've been through... Has only made them kind. They are worth a million of you and I won't ever betray my friends, not ever. So threaten me all you want. I won't ever tell you where Peter is and I will not stand by while you kill my friends. You might as well kill me too."
I watched in utter amazement at Zara. Zara who'd always kept her temper in check. Zara who was fair, and kind, and quiet. Zara who'd always been calm, and gentle, and patient. Zara who was willing to risk her life for complete strangers, simply because it was the right thing to do. I'd known her for a day, but I'd seen her break up fights in the Lincoln Tunnel without even raising her voice, and follow my plan blindly with complete faith, the others all following her lead, even though none of them even knew me.
I watched as she finally lost her temper. I watched as this kitten of a girl became a lion.
And then I watched as this kitten of a girl died.

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