17 - Lincoln Tunnel

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Peter's P.O.V

Soon, MJ and I caught up with Pippa, Lucas, and Anya.
Lucas was panting, weighed down by the literal weight of Anya, gasping between breaths "Zara - Lincoln - Tunnel - "
Pippa understood and led us all down the dark streets of Manhattan until we reached the Lincoln Tunnel.

(A/N: Ok, so I've never actually been to New York, all my information is coming from Pjo and Google Maps, but apparently the Lincoln Tunnel has like a huge road going through it, but I'm imagining it as a foot path tunnel kind of thing, so just pretend that it is for the sake of this story.)

We collapsed into the tunnel, too tired from running halfway across Manhattan to notice our surroundings at all. For a minute or two, we just gasped and panted and tried to remember how to breathe again. It wasn't until a soft voice called out "Lucas?" that any of us spoke.
He sat up, uncurling his arms from around Anya, and turned to face the speaker.
She was a small girl, the size of Anya, but a few years older I suspected, with dark silky hair and glasses held together by tape. She reminded me of a kitten, the way she studied each of us, curious and excited at the same time.
"Zara. We need somewhere to stay tonight. Someone might be... - someone might be following us."
She looked closely at Lucas, then MJ, then me. And then she smiled.
"Come on in."

The tunnel was packed with dozens of people, some of them teenagers, some of them barely old enough to write, but all of them with the same desperate look in their eyes.
The girl, Zara, walked over to a group of 3 kids around 14 years old and began talking to them.
The rest of us just collapsed against the wall, exhausted.
"We'll be safe here." Lucas said, trying to break some of the obvious tension between me and MJ "At least for tonight."
But I couldn't concentrate on anything other than what Cade had said and MJ's face when he had.
Lucas and Pippa were fussing over Anya, checking if she was injured, and MJ stepped towards me anxiously "Peter - "
I cut her off "I've got to go." and pushed passed her to go outside.

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