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(cheese warning UwU)

Logan was a nerd.

That was what he'd been told. He supposed that the nickname, or possibly slur "Nerd" was meant to describe someone smart and easy to push around, but that was only for other nerds.

For Logan, nerd meant being insufferably smart, to the point where it was pointless for others to try to bully him, because no matter how bad Logan was hurt, he always told a teacher. They had nothing to use against him. No insecurities. Nobody he cared about.

That was about to change.

The day that Patton walked through the school doors, Logan was at his locker, wrestling some books out through the small space. Logan felt like it was any other day. Here was a new boy bound to get pushed around and-

And that is where the thought ended, because the new boy looked at Logan and smiled.

What was happening? He was smiling, it wasn't a big deal. He could give a polite smile back and look away. But he couldn't. He couldn't even move, because the new boy's eyes were absolutely stunning. Big and dark like chocolate, with a sparkle that Logan couldn't describe, not even with every word in the world. He had wide, circular glasses brimmed with rhinestones. It was amazing, and he found himself smiling back, without even telling himself to.

This was way too fucking cheesy for Logan to process. Shit, he was so gay.

He realized he had dropped his books. Reluctantly tearing his gaze away, he leaned down to pick them back up, using one hand to keep his wide glasses on his face. What the hell had just happened? Logan didn't lose focus like that, he couldn't. Logan clutched his books and came back up, but when he did, the New Boy was in front of him, smiling that sweet smile that made Logan want to melt.

"Hi! I'm Patton, i'm new!" The boy said happily. Patton had a cheerful, almost ecstatic voice, Logan wondered if he sounded like that all the time.

Logan tried to keep his composure. "Hello, I am Logan." He put his hand out for Patton to shake, but Patton hugged him instead. Logan almost broke.

When Patton pulled back, he giggled (How does he make his giggle so cute?) and said "I like hugs instead of handshakes!"

Logan thought he might explode right there if the whole school weren't watching. Well, not the whole school, but Logan was aware that some people were watching them and giggling.

"That's fine, I suppose."

"Well, um, Logan, can you help me find the principals office?"

Logan tried to stop smiling but his mouth wasn't listening to him at the moment. "Sure, come with me."

Patton babbled on about something the entire time they walked, and Logan thought it might be considered annoying, but he was just enjoying hearing his voice. It was quiet and adorable, but Patton still managed to sound like he was excited all the time.

Logan was wearing his usual white button down shirt and blue striped necktie, and Patton was wearing a pink cat hoodie and jeans with plastic gemstones on the pockets. Logan noticed that while he was talking he fidgeted with his hoodie strings but never actually pulled it up, and he was actually bouncing and skipping a little as he walked. He wondered how god had managed to fit all of that cuteness into one person.

"This is the office," Logan said as they came up on a door with a plaque that read 'Principal's Office'.

Patton grinned, (again with that weird feeling in Logan's chest,) and replied "Thank you so much!"

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