Fruit Punch---10

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(Warning: Accidental Use of Alcohol.)

Even after months upon months of being with Patton, Logan still couldn't believe it.

Now it was May and even though they had gone to parties and dances together many times before, Logan still had a prominent fear Patton would say no. He was still halfway certain Patton might leave him for virtually anyone better. Logan couldn't blame him, pretty much everyone WAS virtually better.

And yet they had had this conversation before, where Patton insisted that Logan was amazing and Patton was the one who didn't deserve him, which Logan countered in a panic, at which point Virgil would groan and say "Listen, I would love to hear you two have a self-depreciating argument for the 100th time this week but can me and Ro PLEASE just EAT IN PEACE?"

Logan adjusted his tie, feeling yet again like it was choking him, and walked up to Patton. Patton was talking with Roman by the lockers.

"Err... Hey, Pat?"

Patton turned to look at him and smiled, doe eyes sparkling. "Yeah, Logie?"

Logan tried to speak before all the air left his lungs. "Since we together, we are going to the Spring Fest together, right?"

The Spring Fest was a big party held during spring at school. The party was supposed to mark the hope of a cleaner earth. It was decorated in green and blue and sometimes pink for spring. Usually, the party committee gave a big speech about the importance of life and ecosystems that pretty much nobody listened to. It wasn't that the speeches were boring, in fact, Logan was almost always impressed with the ways they made the speeches more enjoyable. The problem was that someone almost always snuck liquor into the punch bowl, and everyone was either drunk, making out, or both. Logan was the only one who was smart enough not to drink it. Patton hadn't been to one yet- Logan might have to warn him about the punch.

Who was Logan kidding? They had been together for months, of course he was going.

"Logie, I can't go with you."


Logan blinked and felt his insides shake. "Why?"

Patton giggled. "Because me and Janus are playing at that party, silly! We're getting paid to put on a show."

Oh right. Logan forgot that they usually hired a band to play for the Spring Fest. He was relieved that Patton wasn't blowing him off, and that he wasn't going with someone else. 

Patton gave him a big hug and laughed. "Did you actually think I would blow you off if I didn't have a valid reason?"

Logan hugged back. "Yes. You know much I worry."

Patton pulled away and beamed. "You don't need to worry. Besides, after one or two songs, we are just going to play recordings through the speakers. Then I can join you in the crowd."

Logan nodded and walked away, giving Patton a quick kiss on the cheek before he left. He really didn't have much to worry about, he realized.

(Time skip to the spring fest because I want to)

Logan loved this party.

To be precise, he hated his own outfit, he hated everyone else's outfit, he hated the sugar and inevitable liquor in the punch, he hated the people, the hated the contrasting decoration colors, he hated the girls and boys alike who looked at him like eye candy because despite being a nerd, he could look good if he really wanted to.

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