NOT A CHAPTER (please read)

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Can I say that I am so thankful to have so many reads. I have only just started writing sanders sides fan-fictions and the amount of reads for this is amazing. 87??? THANK YOU!!!

Well, to be honest, the views don't mean as much as COMMENTS though. You could all just easily be reading it, deciding you don't like it, and then stopping, and I wouldn't know because I would get one view and be happy. SO, if you are enjoying in any way, please try to comment every once in a while? I have mentioned it before but COMMENTS GIVE ME LIFE! Any input, or even criticism is appreciated, even if all you have to say is 'This is bad :(' I will be thankful either way, and I would be glad to improve my writing technique for anyone who might like it better. You guys are my only form of social interaction right now, because of the pandemic, so I would love to hear from you no matter what you have to say.

Still, I can't believe it was popular enough to get more than like 10 reads even if you didn't like it. I love all of you so much, and it makes me so happy when you comment or even vote! I'm not joking when I say that if someone adds my story to a book list, I grin and do a little dance.

I have had at least two more sanders sides fanfic ideas, one involves a cute ship, and one is something that might actually take a while to write. But since my noob days, I have made a policy to not work on multiple fanfics or books at once. I will do my best to finish this book off with a flourish!

I just recently started a book that is basically a list of all of my sanders sides fanfic ideas. You guys can go check it out on my profile! My two current ideas are in there. Basically I will add ideas onto that book, you guys comment and tell me what you think of them, and if you like it, I will write it once I am done with this book.

Earlier I said that the end of Soft Rock was coming up soon, but I have to be honest, I have no idea. The end plot is still a bit muddled to me. I am sure about an outline, but I still need to flesh it out without it being confusing. I don't know how the chapters will be divided, but what I can tell you is that we have LOTS of Logan angst coming up soon :)


Anyway, Thank you to anyone who read this. If you are reading this, can you PLEASE reply to this paragraph with "Hi"? Pleasee?  just really miss social interaction and need to know you guys are reading and enjoying :)

Alright well, stay beautiful, stay smart, and stay strong.

Peace out-

-Little Kat

P.S: It might take a while to update the next chapter. I have an idea that I will try out where I write multiple chapters without publishing them, and then I publish them all one by one on a regular schedule because I am not good at schedules!!!

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