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I just can't stop writing! This is a very short chapter. It was originally longer, but I wanted this part to be separate from everything else.

Patton swept his hair out of his eyes. "Why are you here?"

Logan chuckled dryly. "Roman dragged me here. He got tickets for him and Virgil, but Virgil had plans today, so I am here."

Patton sniffed. "I didn't want anyone to know I was Cotton."

Logan's eyes softened. "Why? You are an amazing musician, why would this be a bad thing?"

"Because, Logie, I'm a soft boy. I'm always happy. I shouldn't feel anger or sadness. I don't want to hurt anyone, or be a burden, so I do music, and it all goes away. I put all of the bad feelings into my music to get it all out. If I let the bad feelings build up then people think I'm just a bad kid, but I'm not, I promise. I just have problems with this kind of thing. I don't want to hurt anyone."

Logan adjusted his glasses. They were slipping off in the rain. He would never have guessed that Patton had so much emotional baggage. Was all of the happiness a lie? "There is nothing bad about those emotions. You can't hide it all like that, you need things like sadness and anger so others can help. Pat, we can't help you if you don't tell us what's wrong."

Logan almost never gave hugs. That was usually Patton's thing. But he didn't really care, all that mattered right now was that Patton wasn't OK and he needed to be. So he hugged Patton, and Patton hugged back, not sure if the water on his cheeks was rain or tears.

"Patton, we care about you. We would never think less about you just because you have powerful emotions. We all love you- I love you. So much."

"I love you more," Patton said almost immediately.

To this day, Logan had no idea what it was about that statement that made him laugh. He just started giggling. He supposed he was just happy. Hearing words like that just made him ecstastic. Patton was giggling too. It was muffled because Patton's face was stuffed into Logan's shirt, But he was happy. So they just stood there in eachother's arms, laughing in the rain.

"Now, can you tell me who taught you to cuss?"

I told you it would be super short. Don't worry, the next chapter is coming real soon, I already have a draft in place.

-Little Kat

Soft Rock (Sanders Sides)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα