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I don't know anything about concerts, or instruments, or how long it takes to write a song! Please don't get mad because I write things that are unrealistic, I'm trying to do better

Rock wasn't exactly Logan's favorite kind of music, but it was tolerable. At least the stuff he had heard. He supposed he couldn't say anything on the matter since he listened to three songs, two of which by Pink Floyd, and one by Aerosmith. 

Logan didn't really enjoy concerts in general. People screaming so loud you couldn't hear the music, or the instruments so loud you couldn't hear the person next to you. He spent most of them clutching his ears and grumbling.

So you can imagine he wasn't very excited when he and Roman came to the miniature concert hall they had in town. Roman had said the band was just starting to get big, so there weren't as many people as there had been when other bands came here on tour. Apparently 'Cotton' was local.

Roman had his red and gold denim jacket on with a black undershirt and black pants. Logan saw some girls swooning, like they usually did. Logan wanted to wear his black shirt and blue tie like he always did, but Roman and Emile would never let him be civil. He was wearing a grey button-down t-shirt and jeans.

When they walked into the concert hall, Logan found them a spot near the front. He saw Janus on stage, tinkering with his drum set.

Janus was mostly tan skinned, but he had vitiligo, so the left side of his face was pale and his eye on that side was brown, while the other was blue. He had a blonde undercut and a kind of overpowering presence, maybe even more so than Roman. It was good that he went to a different school, Logan didn't know if he could handle Roman AND Janus with their giant egos.

Roman yelled "HEY, SNAKEY!" Over the crowd and waved at Janus, who looked down at them and smirked. He put his drumsticks down and went over to them.

"Hey Ro and Lo. You guys came to the show! Hey, that rhymed. Remus said Roman might bring his boyfriend or something."

Roman laughed. "Virgil isn't my boyfriend. Yet. He had something to do tonight, so I came with Logan."

Janus raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm sure he had something to do, he definitely wasn't skipping out on you."

Roman narrowed his eyes. "Nice try, but we are going to the cafe on Sunday."

Janus shrugged. "I tried. See you guys on stage."

Before Janus left, Logan asked; "Where is the lead singer?"

"He's backstage, tuning his guitar."

Logan watched Janus walk upstage, stick his tongue out at the crowd, and then go backstage.

Roman sighed. "I think the show starts in a couple of minutes. Are you ready to have your ears blown off?"

Logan looked at Roman in surprise. "Figuratively, right?"

Roman hesitated. "Yes?"

The hall was now filled with people, all chattering excitedly. The lights above dimmed a little and the people quieted down. Everyone looked towards the stage.

Janus came out first, sitting on the stool of the drum set, twirling the drum sticks and grinning. 

Next came the singer and bass player. He had light brown hair, a black t-shirt with the word "Cotton" scrawled on in neon pink, and a light blue jacket. He had shorts and black boots. Logan thought he looked familiar, and when the singer put his glasses on, Logan realized why.

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