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Logan walked to school the next day alone.

Roman had run off to walk Virgil to school, seeing as they were going to a cafe that night.

Logan didn't mind being alone with his thoughts. He was sure Roman had lots of questions on why Logan had 'Ditched' him, and he didn't really have and answer.

For a moment, Logan realized that he could have left Patton there. He could have seen Pat slip backstage and then gone home. But he didn't. Something in him drove him to confront Patton on it. It was because he cared about Patton, that he ran outside and stood in the rain to confront him. 

Logan felt his cheeks warm up. That was when he had said "I love you." and Patton had said "I love you more."

Of course, Patton most likely meant it in a platonic way. He was Patton, after all, he loved everything he set his eyes on.

Also, it was impossible for Patton to love Logan more than Logan loved Patton.

But the problem was exactly that, Logan's basic mindset WAS that Patton loved everything he had set his eyes on. That he was always happy, and always excited. How much of it was an act? How much anger or sadness did Patton bottle up every day? Had Logan ever made it worse?

As the questions spiraled around, Logan realized that having Roman around was actually a good thing. Roman usually talked so much that Logan had no space to get lost in the black hole that was his own thoughts.

Being alone with his thoughts was actually kind of harrowing.

When Logan finally made it into the school, he stopped at his locker and started to put in the code. Then, someone's arms wrapped around him.


"Hello, Pat." Logan smirked and turned around.

Patton had Logan's jacket in his hand. "I forgot to give back your jacket last night."

"You can keep it, it looks better on you. How are you feeling?"

Patton grinned. "I'm feeling good!"

Logan raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

After a few moments of silence, Patton chuckled dryly. "My dad came home late last night and forgot to talk to me this morning. I'm a little sad."

Logan pulled Patton into a hug. "Unacceptable. Your father cares for you, even if he doesn't always show it, as do I."

"Aww, Logie!"

Patton pulled away, giggling. "I think I'm ok now."

Logan searched Patton's eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but Patton interrupted him.

"Before you ask about what I said last night, I wanted to let you know that me and Janus are doing an encore performance tonight at the same concert hall. Since, you know, it got interrupted."

Oh right. Patton ran from the building upon seeing Logan. Yeah, that was going to leave a mark.

"All the people who bought tickets to the one last night can come and see it for free. Me and Janus are playing some songs, and then, I'm going to tell everyone."

"Tell everyone what?"

Patton sighed. "My actual name. If I wanted to keep this a secret, you think I really would have told everyone who I was? I'm an anonymous artist."

Logan nodded. "I see. And are you comfortable with that?"

Patton took a deep breath. "I guess so. I hope this doesn't change my relationship with everyone at school."

Soft Rock (Sanders Sides)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora