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TW: Mention of hitting, Homophobia

Logan really wasn't temperature resistant, even though he had said so before so he could give Patton his jacket. He really didn't have an explanation for his brother when he came home and had no jacket.

"Lo, come on," Emile said, rubbing his temples. "Why can't you tell me where your jacket is."

Logan knew exactly why he couldn't tell Emile. Emile was going to freak out, ask for Patton's full name, write down every last detail, make a ship name, and do everything he could to tease Logan about it.

Especially since Logan hadn't had a crush Emile could tease him about since the 5th grade.

But Logan was not the only smart one in the family, Emile had a knack for psychology and figuring out the truth. He took in every variable, from the missing jacket, from the new friend at school, to the slight blush on Logan's cheeks, to the hour he came back.

Emile's jaw dropped. "You gave it to a boy."

Logan's face turned red. "Jesus christ, why are you so good at this?"

Emile slowly got up from the couch and started squealing excitedly. "YOU GAVE IT TO A BOY? WHO?? ARE THEY NICE???"

Logan coughed and tried to go up the stairs. "Nice is an understatement. Can I go now?"

Emile pulled him back down the stairs by his arm. "Noooo! I want to hear about who you gave your jacket to!"

Logan sighed. "Why?! He was cold, what else was I supposed to do?"

Emile giggled and sat dramatically on the couch. "But isn't that romantic? You gave him your jacket and he still has it!"

Logan blushed. "And? I'll get it back tomorrow."

That was when Emile's phone started ringing. 

And kept ringing.

Emile was staring at Logan, not even paying attention to his phone.

 "Are you going to pick that up?"

Emile narrowed his eyes. "Are you going to tell me who your crush is?"

Logan raised and eyebrow. "What if Remy is calling?"

That seemed to snap him out of it. He started fumbling with his phone and muttering curses under his breath. When he got a hold of it he clicked answer and then speaker.

"Em, where the hell is your little brother?!"

Emile's eyebrows furrowed. "Right here. You're on speaker."

"Where the hell is Virgil?"

Oh, right. Remy was Virgil's older brother.

"We set him up."


"There's this guy Virgil has a crush on but he's too emotionally closed off to do anything about, so me and a friend set him up. He is at that guy's house now. Don't worry, he'll be back before midnight."

"Back before midnight? Before MIDNIGHT? Are you kidding me? Babes, this is real cute and all but c'mon, what if something happens?!"

Logan rolled his eyes. "He's in good hands."

Emile put on his psychiatrist voice. "Remy, Virgil is old enough to stay out if he wants to. YOU taught him to make good decisions, so i'm sure he is safe."

"Babes, thanks, but if Virgil comes back and anything went wrong, I will personally bitch slap your brother."

Emile chuckled. "Not if I can first."

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