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(This will be short. It will also be angsty. It will also be hella adorable at the end, like, major fluff warning. TW: triggers include mention of rape. Mention of death. Also I almost cried while writing this so i'm sORRY, OK? I am an emotional person and all my characters have to suffer in order for me to write about them :D)

Logan shook.

It wasn't a small shake, like a shiver from the cold, he deliberately shook himself. Because the bane of his very existence had decided to settle in his hair.


The annoying yellow dust manifested itself on his fingertips and on his shoes. It was sprinkled in his hair like dandruff, and in the process of trying to shake it out, more seemed to appear.

Logan wasn't allergic to anything except pollen, and it was a strong allergy. He sneezed constantly and his eyes were watering. 

He supposed the watery eyes was good, this way if he cried, he could blame it on the pollen.

He was sitting on his doorstep, waiting for Patton. He didn't know why he didn't just wait in the house. When he thought about it, he realized that whenever he came to pick Patton up from his house, Patton was sitting on his doorstep. He did so because as soon as Logan pulled up in his Mercedes, Patton would get up and jump into his arms. He said the best way to give a hug is when the other person isn't expecting it.

Logan was not going to do any such thing, he certainly didn't have the energy or the constant need for physical touch that Patton possessed. He was waiting there because he was scared. He was deeply, thoroughly terrified.

Logan had promised Patton to tell him about his father, or rather, the events that corresponded with that subject. He had no idea how it had suddenly resurfaced after years of pretending it never happened. But Emile seemed to think it was necessary to relive these thoughts and try to conquer them, even if Logan felt worse than he had in years.

Logan was lured out of his thoughts by the sound of a car approaching. Looking up, he saw Patton's silver Toyota pull into the driveway. Patton did own a car, and he did drive sometimes, but not much. Despite what you might think, Patton is very rude on the road. The last time Logan had been in the passenger's seat, Patton flipped off anyone who cut in front of him, honked at him, or drove too fast. He likes being driven places much better and others can't complain- He's good company when he's not behind the wheel.

Patton got out of the car and fiddled with his keys vainly. "Shit. The gold or the silver?" He cursed, looking between two keys on a key ring.

He was wearing jeans and a white tank-top, with Logan's baby blue jacket over it. He had a white star barett and his round glasses seemed to be extra sparkly. He looked stunning, as always.

Logan stood up and walked over with his hands in his pockets. "The gold one."

"Ah, thank you Logie!" Patton successfully locked the car and turned around.

Patton immediately gasped upon looking at Logan's hair and his face lit up. "Awwe! You have pollen all over your hair! And your FACE!"

He looked like he had just discovered something he wouldn't let go of for a very long time.

Logan smiled slightly, despite being terrified out of his mind. Patton saw this and smirked back awkwardly as he pulled Logan into a deep hug. "Can we go in now?"

Logan nodded and took Patton's hand, leading him into the house.

They made it into the house. Logan had made sure to clean up a bit earlier. "Emile is out on a date, and Mom is at work. I think Emile is out with Remy, actually."

Soft Rock (Sanders Sides)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon