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Logan looked over at the clock.


Three. Two. One.

Thump. Creak.

The downstairs door opened.

Logan sighed and pushed himself off of his bed, rubbing his eyes and putting his glasses on. His mom was home.

He stumbled out of the door of his room and just barely got his mother's attention before she hid in her room.


She turned to look at him and smiled tiredly.

"What are you doing up so late, Lolo?"

Logan's mother, Cassandra, looked strikingly similar to Logan. She had straight, dark brown hair, like coffee, but she had dark blue eyes. Not bright blue like you would expect, but interestingly dark and grayish. Her short brown hair was tied into ponytail behind her head, and she had thick glasses. It didn't help that she always wore something increasingly formal, the same way Logan did. She had black dress pants and a white button-down. 

Logan fidgeted with his thumbs. "I was hoping you could come meet my boyfriend's parents soon. Maybe you could manage to get a day off of work?"

Cassandra had an office job at the biggest company in the state. She had worked hard to get where she was, being a single woman with two sons, but she was still fighting the glass ceiling.

She sighed and opened up a binder. While she looked through it, Logan deduced that she was looking at her schedule. 

She narrowed her eyes at the papers. "Stocks have been up lately. Maybe I can get a day off this Saturday. I'll see if I can manage, sweet heart. I'm sure your boyfriend's parents are very nice."

Cassandra shoved her binders under her arm and gave Logan a brief kiss on the forehead.

"I love you, baby."

Logan smiled softly as she went into her room.

"I love you more, Mom."

He went into his room and closed the door, sighing.

He was pretty sure he heard Emile walk out of his room and into moms before he stumbled to bed, but he might have just been exhausted.

Logan usually didn't question much. There was a logical explanation or everything. Why does it rain? Because of the water cycle. Why do we breathe? To circulate our blood.

And yet there was one question. One awful question that plagued him every day of his life.

Why are people stupid?

Why, in all of gods green earth, was everyone around him willing to slack off for no actual reason?


Logan was the only one in the room finished with his geography test. Judging by the frustrated looks of everyone else, the scribbling pencils and erasers, and the fact that nobody had flipped over their paper yet, Logan guessed nobody else was. He deduced that nobody had studied for this. He didn't understand why nobody else had the same conviction to finish things that he did. He got a sense of satisfaction and, dare I say, happiness from completing any sort of assignment. Whenever he had relayed these feelings to Roman, the dramatic boy looked at Logan like he was crazy.

"You're insane," He would say. "It feels awful whenever I finish something because my only thought is 'What is the teacher going to throw at me next? Why must I suffer?'"

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