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Someone dropped a wine glass and it shattered.


Patton leaned down with some paper towels, trying to wipe up the wine. He did his best not to get any on his white suit. "Remus, can you NOT be an idiot today?"

Remus wasn't listening. He was jumping up and down and grinning like a maniac. "MY BROTHER IS MARRIED! MY BROTHER IS MARRIED! MY BROTHER IS-"

Roman walked up behind him and shook him by the shoulders. He was wearing a black suit and a red tie. "Yes, yes I know. Shhh-"

Remus wrapped his arms around Roman. "I always knew you would do it first!" 

Roman laughed. "You and snakey aren't far behind, now."

Remus sighed dreamily. "I know! But he's taking too long."

Patton laughed happily at their antics. They were currently at the wedding after-party for Roman and Virgil- Remus was being hectic, Janus was getting drunk, Remy and Emile were eating, Roman was trying to calm Remus, Virgil was talking to his mother, and Logan was-

...Where was Logan?

Patton looked around the room, unable to spot him. He turned to Roman. "Hey, do you know where Logan went?"

Roman looked up. "Uh. I think he went outside? Muttering something about being an idiot, I don't really know." He suddenly looked worried. "Maybe you should check on him."

Patton nodded.

The wedding had been beautiful. Roman was in tears (seriously, he could barely stop crying long enough to say his vows,) and Virgil was wonderful. Logan was Roman's best man and Patton had been Virgil's. (Remus and Remy were incredibly jealous. Their own brothers!) Patton and Janus had played some music and then Patton had went to talk to Virgil's mother for a bit- he guessed that was when Logan had left. 

He opened the door of the building and the cold air rushed into his face. He crossed his arms to try and keep himself warm.

Logan was there sitting on the steps, in a black suit and a blue tie. He was staring out into the road and muttering to himself.

"Logan?" Patton sat on the steps beside him. "Are you okay?"

Logan looked over with a start and relaxed upon seeing Patton. "Oh. Hello, Honeycomb. I'm okay, just a little stressed."

Patton put his hand comfortingly over Logan's. "Why?"

Logan shifted his hand so they were intertwined waffle style. "It's just... Roman and Virgil are so happy with each other and..."

Patton leaned on his shoulder. "You can tell me anything."

Logan let out a shaky breath. "Patton, If I asked you to marry me, what would you say?"

Patton's eyes widened. He was silent for a moment.

Logan got nervous and rambled on. "I just, I see how happy Virgil and Roman are together, MARRIED, and I'm sad... I want that for us. I want to write vows to tell you that I would never ever leave you, because just being boyfriends doesn't feel committed enough. I'm... I'm sorry if this was a bad time to bring it up, and I understand if you don't want to, but-"

Patton interrupted him. "Ask me."

Logan blinked. "What?"

"You asked me "What would you say if I asked you to marry me," but you didn't ask the actual question. Do the thing!"

A glimmer of hope shone in Logan's eyes and he spoke. "Will you marry me?"

Patton's face broke into a huge grin and he threw his arms around Logan. "YES! FINALLY! You have no fucking clue how long I waited for you to grow a backbone and just ask. I love you so much, Bumblebee, of COURSE I will marry you."

They waited two days to tell the others they were engaged, so they wouldn't steal the spotlight from Roman and Virgil. 

When they told Virgil, he frantically switched between being furious that they didn't say something sooner and furious that LOGAN didn't ask sooner. He kept yelling, "You have no idea, Logan. Do you know how many times Patton has complained to me about you not asking? DO YOU?!"

Roman was absolutely elated. He wrapped them both into a bear hug and grinned like an idiot. He then pulled a book from the coffee table and flipped through it. "Okay okay, so I already have flower arrangements and color scheme ideas for the wedding- how does light and dark blue sound?"

Remus was also ecstatic at first, but then something strange happened. He suddenly marched down the hall and threw the door to Janus and Remus's room open (they lived together at the time) and yelled, "PAT AND LO ARE GETTING MARRIED AND WE ARE THE ONLY SHIP THAT IS STILL JUST DATING, IF YOU DON'T HAVE A PROPOSAL READY FOR ME IN THE NEXT WEEK I WILL!"

Janus didn't quite have time to react to the news because he was laughing to hard when Remus left. Apparently he had set up a proposal months ago but Remus was always busy when he tried to pull it off.

Emile was incredibly happy for his brother and promptly helped Roman with wedding ideas. "Oh, I have a theme idea! The heart and the mind! Because Patton is sentimental and Logan is a nerd?"

Remy gave them some free coupons for his cafe and then told them to get out of the house, he was watching Parks and Rec.

They got married in a small chapel near the high school they first met.

Information about the future you might want to know:

Logan and Patton adopted a child and named her Melody. Virgil and Roman are the godparents.

Patton and Janus's band got much bigger and more well-known, but they refuse to go on tour. They don't want to leave the town they love so much.

Remus and Janus eventually got married and were left a child on their doorstep at 3 in the morning. They named her Brie.

Roman and Virgil fostered and then adopted a little 5 year old boy named Liam. Remy and Emile are the godparents.

Remy and Emile live together and are engaged, but the wedding date is yet to be decided.

Chastity, hopeful to be "cool," played Russian roulette and died because her friends assured her nothing could happen. Jane (Janus's sibling) came out as nonbinary. Chastity's other two friends are missing.

Nick ended up coming out as gay and lives in Georgia with his boyfriend.

Cassandra remarried and is very happy with her new husband, but she will never forget her dead husband.

Logan once tried to find his biological father in jail so he could yell at him, but found his dead body in the cell. He had died of exhaustion (this is a real thing that can happen. SLEEP, PEOPLE!)

Patton's parents are still happy together and Patton and his father are on good terms. 

This is not the end, this is only the beginning. It's up to you what you want to believe about how the story progresses, and how their relationships build. You are the reader. Believe it or not, you have the ultimate power. One thing is for sure; Patton and Logan's love will grow stronger with every challenge they face. Thank you for reading; I hope to see you again.

Stay beautiful, stay smart, and stay strong. I know you already are.

-Little Kat

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