Home---11 (angst warning)

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(GET READY FOR SOME HIGH-KEY ANGST!!!! MUAHAHA-) (I'm so sorry guys. Really, this will be super depressing. Warning: Mention of Rape.)

Logan rang the doorbell with one hand and quickly returned it to holding up Patton.

The chilled night air pricked at Logan's skin, but he wasn't too cold because Patton radiated heat. He was in front of Patton's house, and Patton was in a deep sleep. He had unconsciously wrapped his arms around Logan's neck. He heard the doorbell ring inside the house and saw the light turn on from one of the windows.

Logan ran the events of the night through his head. Patton had sang a song to call out Chasity, and after singing one more, he had gone to get a drink. Logan was so stupid; why hadn't he realized Patton was getting the punch until it was too late?

Logan looked down at Patton's face, which was smushed up against Logan's chest. His curly brown hair fell wildly into his eyes and over his ears. He looked so peaceful.

Logan's head snapped up when the front door opened, and Patton's mother came out and took in the scene.

"Patton?! Logan? What happened?"

Logan coughed. "Patton is okay. Someone snuck liquor into the fruit punch and he got drunk and passed out. He didn't know- he would have never touched a drop intentionally if he had."

Patton's mother sighed and nodded. She looked similar to Patton, except she had no freckles and her eyes were olive green. She opened the door wider to let Logan in.

Logan walked in and set Patton on the couch. Patton adjusted himself there unconsciously and hugged a pillow.

Logan smiled softly at him, and then looked up at Patton's mom. "I'm very sorry this happened."

She chuckled. "It's alright. I'm just happy he didn't do it on purpose." Then she turned her head to look at Logan. "I could get you something to drink if you want. Your parents won't be expecting you until the party is over."

Logan nodded and smiled. "Thank you."

Logan had met Patton's parents before. Patton's father worked when he wasn't sleeping and slept when he wasn't working, so it was a miracle he was able to get a day off to meet Logan. Patton's mother was an author and worked from home. They both said that they approved, but Logan constantly worried about his impression on them. It's cliche, but what can you do.

He sat on the couch by Patton and looked at him. The boy was clutching a pillow and mumbling in his sleep. Logan set Patton's glasses on the living room table and brushed Patton's hair out of his eyes. His mother came back from the kitchen with a glass of water and smiled softly at the scene before her. 

Logan hadn't even realized Patton's mother was back until she coughed and handed him the glass of water. The glass was really a repurposed mason jar, since Patton had once watched a documentary on recycling's effect on the environment and insisted that they repurposed everything they could.

"Err, Mrs. Delta?"

Patton's mother chuckled. "I told you to call me Trianna, dear."

Logan nodded. "Um, Trianna? I'm very sorry about Patton. I forgot that someone might have put liquor in the punch, I should have stopped him before he had so much."

Trianna looked down at Patton. "It's alright, no need to worry. The same thing happened to his father when he was Pat's age." 

Logan looked up at her. "When does Mr. Delta get home?"

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