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The concert was almost over. Logan could tell. Patton and Janus had played 18 songs and were now getting ready to play the last one. Logan could feel his phone overheating, he had been adjusting it for a while.

"Ok, guys! We have one more song and then we gotta go home! I'm going to try to slip out without you guys pestering me fore details about my identity. Anyway, this one was a song I whipped up a few days ago, and I wasn't expecting to use it for this, but now I think it's kind of perfect. It's kind of sappy as well- Logie, you might want to listen to this one. Yeah, i'm talking to you, don't lose your head."

Logan saw Patton switch out his normal bass for a feedback guitar and strum a C major chord experimentally.

"Perfect. Um, guys, don't make fun of me, this one isn't exactly like the other songs. It's, uh, a little fluffy? But we could all use a little fluff, right?"

The crowd cheered in agreement. Fluffy? Logan had never heard a song be reffered to as 'Fluffy.' He decided to ask the person next to him.

"Oh, fluffy means that the lyrics might be less gruesome and angry than usual."

Logan nodded and turned his attention back to the stage. 

"Shit..." Patton looked back towards Janus. Janus gave a big thumbs up, and Patton smiled slightly. "Alright."

He took a deep breath and started singing.

"Blushing 'fore i even say hello

So I give a smile and think he'll go

but he walks down to the office with me,

Laughing cuz' I can hardly breathe

I'm falling fast and it shows"

Logan realized this song was about Patton's crush. The chorus starts.

"Give me one more chance

Holding your hand

Hey, I'll never let go

I will never let go

The sky has turned blue

It looks good on you

Could you be more oblivious?

...one more time."

There was a short piece of just guitar and drums until the next verse. Logan felt his stomach turn. Who was the song about? (I am going to say all the lyrics if you were wondering.)

"Say his name and then he's there

That's it, oh god it's not fair

They say it shows I dare them to

say one more word or I swear.

Ro says you talk about me in your sleep,

Then asks me if I'm listening.

I'm staring across the room, 

I can't take my eyes off of you."

'Ro.' Patton had said Ro. Logan realized he was referring to Roman. But Roman only had classes with Logan-

Holy shit.

"Give me one more chance

Holding your hand

Hey, I'll never let go

I will never let go.

The sky has turned blue

And boy, it looks good on you

could you be more oblivious?

Logan, I love you."

...there wasn't even a chord along with that last lyric. It was just complete silence. That is, until the crowd absolutely exploded with excitement.

Logan just sat there. He just stared at Patton, trying to comprehend how fucking in love Logan was with him. He just couldn't do it. Was that actually what Patton had just said? "I love you"? Holy shit. Oh shit. 

For the first time in years, his whole face turned red and he just smiled. He just sat and smiled. He wasn't thinking, wasn't moving, wasn't worrying, he just sat and smiled at everything and everyone. He was vaguely aware that the people around him were elbowing him and yelling, but he couldn't hear. He was just so damn in love.

The only thing he saw was Patton beam at him and then walk backstage. Logan knew exactly where he was going. He ended the camera recording and stood up.

It took him a couple of minutes to move through the crowd of people. They all wanted to know how Logan felt about the situation. He eventually made it outside. The sky was dark now and crickets chirped somewhere near him. he made his way behind the building and when he rounded the corner, he saw Patton sitting against the wall, looking a little scared.

Patton looked up and smiled shyly. He stood up. "Uh, hey."

Logan tried to say hello back but he couldn't find the words.

Pat grinned. "Did I do okay?"

Logan blinked. "Okay? Really? You did fucking amazing!"

Patton's grin became wider. "And...?"

Logan gulped and found that suddenly all his thoughts were spilling out of his mouth. "And I love you so fucking much."

Patton laughed. "Oh, finally. What took you so long?"

Logan laughed too, adjusting his glasses. "I... I really don't know."

Patton rolled his eyes. "You know what? I'm done waiting now."

Patton grabbed Logan's shirt collar, pulled him down slightly and kissed him. Logan put his hands on Patton's waist and they stood there for a good minute. Then Patton pulled away, because they had to breathe, which honestly wasn't fair, Logan thought, screw oxygen. Patton giggled and rested his head on Logan's shoulder. 

"I'm top," He said.

Logan laughed. "You know what, sure. I really don't care anymore. As long as you agree to be my boyfriend."

"Is that even a question?" Patton replied as though it were obvious. "You've helped me be a better person, Logie. I could never thank you enough."

"Patton, you were already the best person to ever exist. In every way."

I DID IT! ARE YOU GUYS PROUD? The song is an actual song that I wrote for the express purpose of this fan-fiction. It is called "Oblivious" By Little Kat, or if you are referring to it in regards to the fan-fiction, 'Oblivious' by Patton Delta. You can replace the name Logan with any name so you could use it for everything. I might make a video of me playing it on feedback guitar and put it in a chapter, but I'm not sure yet. This was not the last chapter. They still have to go on a date, they still have to observe Roman and Virgil's relationship. So just stay tuned in. If you are wondering about the chords to the song, just wait until I make a video for it! K, Peace out everyone!

-Little Kat

P.S: I made Patton top. Tell me what you guys think of that in comments please.

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