7. Hope

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Author: What's one trait about most people you've met that isn't attractive in any way?

Faith: I'm not too sure but I'll say, enthusiasts. They seem to believe everything could be fine if you're happy. Stupid if you ask me.

~Faith Jennings.


"Oh my gosh, you are real!" The dumbstruck look on Faith's face made my cheeks burn when I realised I had said that out loud.

"Of course I'm real. I may just be the ghost of Mary Magdalene though," I glared at her and she rolled her eyes. I suddenly realised how upset I was with her.

"You disappeared for an entire week without a heads-up or something like that! I was worried sick! I even thought maybe I was hallucinating!" She stared at me like I had grown three heads.

She crossed her arms across her chest and raised an eyebrow at me. Like she knew something I didn't but was going to torture me for it anyway. "Are you sure you're okay?" She questioned then placed a hand on my forehead, checking my temperature. I slapped it away.

"Of course I'm okay. What do you take me for? A lunatic who goes around harassing people for information?!" She bit her lip.

"Maybe. . .?" I groaned instantly. I was more frustrated than I had been before. She wasn't even trying to smoothen the edges, she was causing my frustration at her to skyrocket.

"Alright," I gave up, thankfully everyone else was too busy doing whatever they were doing to see our interaction, was today a festival or what? "Where were you this entire week?" I asked her.

She shrugged like it was no big deal that she had disappeared for a week. For a second I questioned if I was overreacting.

"I was busy, okay? I had some stuff to take care of and honestly, you should be glad I'm here," she snapped at me and I scoffed.

"What's your name?" I remembered this past week. I would have found her if she had told me her real name.

She massaged her forehead. "Pied Piper, that's it," her sarcasm was on another level today. "Haven't we passed this stage of pleasantries? I told you already, Faith Jennings." Now she was acting like I was a pain in her butt. Well, she hasn't seen anything yet.

I stomped my foot on the grass like the child I am, I was genuinely surprised I hadn't started whining yet. "I asked everyone for a person named Faith Jennings, you don't exist! No one knows you, and I'm pretty sure people started thinking I was crazy when I said I wasn't looking for. . Um, Huso, what was his name again?" I pondered.

"Chase, Hugo and Aiden Jennings?" She offered with a bored look on her face. Like she was forced to be here. "They're my brothers."

I stared at her not believing a word she was saying. But would you? No one knew who she was or even about her existence in this town and she was trying to say she was a living being and no one knew about her?

It was too sketchy for my liking.

I should have dropped it, I really should have, I mean if I did I wouldn't be prying into her personal life, yeah?

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