13. Hope

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Author: Of all the seven deadly sins, which one would you call yourself?

Faith: Wrath.

~Faith Jennings


You said getting dumped over text was brutal, try getting cancelled on over text and being ignored right after.

Sabrina sighed as she sat on my bed. My room had light blue wallpaper, several 1D posters, and a bookshelf that I never found myself using. My large queen-sized bed was pushed to the wall right next to my massive window. My study table and chair had books in a neat pile, and my PlayStation was abandoned in front of my TV. Garrett was the one who played it anyway.

"Shouldn't you have been ready hours ago? I don't know about you but it's my rep on the line if I don't come for this," Sabrina crossed her arms and looked at me.

I was in a plain blue t-shirt and washed out jeans. My hair was messy-not in a good way-, and the text I had gotten from Faith was enough to sour my mood enough to throw Sabrina out of my window.

Faith had a terrible habit of shutting people out when things got too intense for her. I couldn't blame her, it was her way of dealing with things, I didn't support it, but I understood it.

It was her way of defending herself. Like if she gave too much or too little attention to something she had to monetarily move away from that thing. Like she didn't want to get herself hurt.

"Um, are you even listening to me? I've been here talking and you've been in a daydream," Sabrina rolled her eyes and my lips twitched.

I could see one reason why Garrett didn't like her.

She was annoying me right now and was getting on my nerves. I didn't have time to deal with her childish tantrum.

"Sabrina can you just stop?!" I snapped then turned to look at her. From the look on her face, she didn't expect me to, neither did I. "Not everything is about you, if you need a make-up artist that's completely fine I don't care! Just stop nagging me!" I said in defeat and annoyance. I was tired of always trying to defend her actions. She was becoming worse than ever and I was too busy with Faith that Sabrina was just another issue added to the pile.

She opened her mouth to say something then shut it. She was out of words to say to me. I watched her grit her teeth in anger and embarrassment.

On a normal day I wouldn't snap at her, or anyone for that matter, but I felt so irritated that I couldn't handle her attitude like I usually did.

She glared at me and grabbed her Gucci handbag. I rolled my eyes at her when she stood up from my bed. "We," she gestured between the both of us. "Are no longer friends until you apologise. Find another person to get you a ride." She told me then left my room, making sure to slam the door.

She wasn't even the one giving me a ride, Garrett was. Normally I would have already apologised to her, now looking at her was enough to make me not.

Sabrina was now the last thing on my mind when I looked at the final message Faith had sent me, yesterday, at ten pm.

Hope, I won't be able to make it.

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